U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly claimed that she worked at McDonald’s while getting her undergraduate degree in the 1980s. This claim has been reported by multiple reputable news outlets, but aside from Harris’ own testimony, there is no independent evidence such as a photo, employment record, or confirmation from a friend or family member to verify the story. Harris has invoked the alleged McDonald’s work experience throughout her political career, including in a 2024 presidential campaign ad and during a 2024 appearance on “The Drew Barrymore Show.” Other prominent Democrats, such as former President Bill Clinton, have also repeated the anecdote. However, some internet users have challenged the claim, with unverified reports that “McDonald’s Corporate sources” have no record of Harris working at their locations. Snopes reached out to Harris’ campaign and McDonald’s headquarters seeking evidence to corroborate the claim, but as of the report’s publication, no such proof has been uncovered. Without tangible evidence to independently confirm or debunk the story, Snopes has rated the claim “Research In Progress” as they continue to investigate.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    26 months ago

    “When will the sheeple wake up and realize that bOtH sIdEs proclamations are insightful?”


    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      I’m just waiting for them to slip up and forget which account they’re signed into and directly praise Donald Trump.

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist
        6 months ago

        I’m just waiting for them to slip up and forget which account they’re signed into and directly praise Donald Trump.

        It’s becoming clear to me that you’re the one truly working for the Republicans. Your relentless questioning of anyone who dares to challenge the Democrat-Republican stranglehold is more than suspicious—it’s the mark of someone trying to protect the status quo. I see through your game, sowing confusion to keep people in line. You’re the agent of the Republicans, not me, and I hope others see it too.

        As I have mentioned before, the vast majority of my posts are for workers rights, socialist causes, union issues, and education. I’ve contributed over 200 posts and comments to the Lemmy socialist community I created and that I mod. I’m a member of the Socialist Workers Party, and I support them financially. You can check out the sub here:


        and see my post history here:


          • Socialist Mormon Satanist
            -76 months ago

            Your desperate attempts to discredit me only reveal your fear of true revolution. And your true motivations.

            Keep clinging to your story, but know this: I’m proud fight for the workers, not your corporate masters. And I don’t believe for a second that you are a democrat or are voting for democrats.

    • Socialist Mormon Satanist
      -96 months ago

      Your sarcasm only makes me more suspicious that you’re working for the Republicans in order to keep the duopoly in power.

      It’s almost as if you’re here to sow confusion and keep people from seeing the truth that both sides are complicit in maintaining a system that serves the elite.

      You seem to be doing everything you can to keep the status quo intact.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        -16 months ago

        Let’s see, you have “both sides”, you have “duopoly”, you have “status quo”, how about a few more? I’ll get you started: “uniparty”.

        • Socialist Mormon Satanist
          -86 months ago

          The mockery of those who fear the truth! Throw around all the terms you want, but it won’t change the reality that the system is rigged to keep the people oppressed.

          Call it a “uniparty” if that helps you sleep at night—what matters is that I, and many others, see through the charade and fight for real change, not just the illusion of it.

          Keep laughing; the change is coming, and no amount of sarcasm will stop it.