TNG S4E16 Galaxy’s Child

This episode has so much cringe in it.

Geordie setting up a meeting and trying to make it into a date is a lot. Plus omitting that he had the computer summarize her files to resolve a critical crisis, while using the information he got from her file in discussing with her is not good.

Brahms does an excellent job letting him down and putting up firm boundaries.

But oh god, when she discovers the holodeck program, and then Geordie rant!

It’s tough to watch in a totally different way than the Quark Gender swap episode.

  • @ummthatguy
    1216 days ago

    Good catch. So many recycled actors among the various series. At least they gave Combs some degree of disguise with makeup and prosthesis.

    • @trolololol
      516 days ago

      What are you saying? I honestly never caught that and watching next post I’m sure it’s the hair style that confused me.

      • @ummthatguy
        816 days ago

        Apologies if I wasn’t very clear. Her appearance in DS9 seems hardly disguised compared to when other guest actors are repurposed.

        Perhaps it was for budgetary reasons. I simply saw her as Brahms in a Starfleet uniform.