I’m finishing up DS9 and about to start Voyager, so hopefully will have a few more of these as I watch through.

  • @cm0002
    144 months ago

    Lol when did it stop being a common marketing tactic?

    • Admiral PatrickOP
      84 months ago

      Touche, but I think it did scale back at least for a while in the mid to late 2000’s didn’t it?

      I haven’t seen a commercial since I cord-cut in 2009, so I may be a bit out of the loop when it comes to current advertising trends, haha. If I see an ad on any device in my network, I go to red alert until I patch the security breach that allowed the ad in.

      • @cm0002
        64 months ago

        Well now that you mention it, I’ve been ad free since like 2014, but it was def still rampant with the sexualization then lol

        I’m the same way, I drop everything when an ad makes its way through my many layers of blocking lol, I don’t even make exceptions for the spouse and kid’s ftp games, they want to see that shit they can drop to cellular data LMAO