I have not heard such a thing from left leaning folks, but I’d quickly shut them down if they were suggesting pity for these people.

  • @jordanlundM
    326 months ago

    Been ignorant… all the way back to the Tea Party and Birther nonsense.

    “Aigh aint seen no 'birth certif-ee-cate!”

    “It’s online, have you looked for it?”

    “Well, no.”

    “WTF do you expect? Obama going door to door? ‘Hey! Y’all see my birth certificate? Here you go!’”

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      I’m sorry but you clearly don’t remember this at all. They are idiots, but when the birth certificate was presented people didn’t say they hadn’t seen it, but bought into the conspiracy theory that it was faked.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      46 months ago

      The teabaggers were just more of the same people from the hatriot radio and black helicopter stuff from the 90s when they were selling each other tapes on Waco and the like, all pissed off about Ruby Ridge and stocking up on MREs and guns and ammo.

      And that crap was just a rehash of the Birchers. And I’m sure the Birchers had their crazy unhinged precursors, too…the crazy unhinged bullshit on the xtianist nationalist fringe has been around for a long, long time.

      I used to point and laugh at the dumbphucks that talk about how “your SSN is the number of the beast, don’t use it for anything but the few cases the law requires it, yadda yadda” and now these very same assholes have a real chance of getting a dickhead like donnie with Project 2025 at the ready to enact a lot of their crazy, crazy agendas to inflict on the rest of us.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          56 months ago

          For that first one: I knew who these people were back in elementary school. They are the ones that crossed their arms and defiantly said things like, “What do we need to even learn all this stuff for? it don’t mean nuthin! Just a bunch of book-larnin! We won’t need this in the real world!”. And then went right on to either doing the bare minimum until they graduated, if they even did that.

          And now this sort are still Karens. And now “doing their own research”.