• I'll be on [email protected]
    6 months ago

    keeping everything at the local level

    This only happens because within capitalism only small anarchist communities have been able to survive, anarchism doesn’t say anything about keeping everything local (I’d say the opposite, it encourages cooperation between communities to cover all bases, ideally on a global scale)

    Having some form of government is helpful

    Anarchism doesn’t mean there is no government, just no hierarchy, horizontal governance is a thing.

    While a complete lack of structure

    Again, not a thing in anarchism, even the symbol of anarchism literally incorporates the word order (the circle around the A isn’t a circle, but an O)

    Maybe give this and this a look

    • Track_ShovelOP
      86 months ago

      Thanks - I’ll admit I’m pretty unread on a lot of it. I know what I want I just don’t know where I fit yet

      • I'll be on [email protected]
        6 months ago

        No worries, and that’s fair. You also don’t need to read a whole ton of theory to get the gist in most cases (also, if videos are easier for you, Andrewism on YT for example, does good videos about anarchism), but it’s always best to rely on sources from within - from people who practice the ideology and want it to succeed, rather than misinformation from outside which leftist ideologies suffer a lot from, because capitalist propaganda has done its utmost to twist and subvert what they mean and stand for.

        Enjoy the ride!

        • Track_ShovelOP
          76 months ago

          Ladies and gentlemen, this style of exchange is why Lemmy is substantially better than Reddit, how Reddit was even as far back as 2012. Or any other online platform. Online civility is a lost art on most platforms. Instead of calling me some uneducated cuck and wishing my children die in a house fire, Sims provided resources, and even suggests that reading these resources when I have time is totally fine, rather than calling me an uneducated fuck stain for not having read them earlier.

          Thanks for being a cool human, my dude

          • I'll be on [email protected]
            6 months ago

            Tbf my levels of patience vary a lot lol. I would never berate anyone for not knowing something, no one knows everything, and we all learn something new every day (E: and also in different ways), though if someone clearly doesn’t want to hear anything that doesn’t confirm their bias I won’t waste my time and might call them out for not wanting to know, and be blunt about that since I think some people need the rude awakening. On the other hand, if someone is already taking their own steps to explore outside of and challenge their bias, and I happen to know something about the topic or have a relevant resource, I’m more than happy to help. So the credit is yours as much as it is mine, but thank you.

            On a side note - comrade(s) is a great gender neutral alternative to both ladies and gentlemen, and dude.

            • Track_ShovelOP
              26 months ago

              Your views align pretty closely with mine: ignorance isn’t a cardinal sin, but willful ignorance is.

              The fact that you’re taking an educational approach rather than coming after me with a board that has a nail sticking out of it is refreshing for online communities. More people need to just chill.

              On dude: sorry, my age is showing - lexicon needs an update and I haven’t got there yet but I’m working on it

              • I'll be on [email protected]
                16 months ago

                Yeah, it’s an important distinction to make. And I have to agree, it would be nice to have more exchanges like this, but with the state of the world it isn’t really surprising that people are generally angrier, be it for good reason or bad (anti-racist vs racist, for example), it’s when people are mostly on the same page that the animosity really confuses me lol. The last part goes back to the top - we’re all learning all the time, the important thing is to stay open to it and grow from it.