With the release of “The Final Shape,” the main storyline has concluded, and it seems like the developers are now just churning out random content and seasonal passes without a clear direction for the game’s future. I’m genuinely curious about what motivates players to stick around. Are there aspects of the game that still offer value or enjoyment, or are players simply holding on in hopes of something more substantial? What keeps them engaged with Destiny 2 despite its apparent lack of a clear path forward?

  • @jordanlund
    148 days ago

    I dropped it like it was hot when they cut out 1/2 the content I paid for. I might come back if they bring it back.

    • Scrubbles
      68 days ago

      Nope, even then they burned me, I think Bungie is officially dead as I used to know it.

      • @jordanlund
        58 days ago

        Pretty much how I feel. Removing content disrespected the money I spent on the game, sunsetting gear disredpected the time I spent in game.

        Though they DID reverse the sunsetting decision after everyone told them it was an awful idea.

        • Scrubbles
          27 days ago

          To have it in the first place though while the game is still active, horrid idea in the first place.

        • Vik
          7 days ago

          And they didn’t retroactively unlock impacted gear. I had a couple god rolled blast furnaces relgated to casual PvP despite the absurd amount of time I had to put into that bullshit forge activity.

          Anyone else notice the extent of bungies creativity as far as destiny is concerned:

          • Stand on plates
          • Shoot targets
          • 3 damage phases
          • Juggle balls
          • @jordanlund
            27 days ago

            Goes for Raid design too…

            Take a group of 6, split into three groups of two.

            A, B, and C.

            A go to the right, B go to the left, C stay in the center.

            Do the thing, then rotate, A to B, B to C, C to A.

            Do it again. Rotate again. Do it again. Rotate again.

            Damage phase. Repeat until someone screws up and you all die or boss is dead.

            • Vik
              27 days ago

              It’s funny is how gorgeous the endgame content looks. Sure it plays out very much in the same way, but it’s kinda crazy how hard they go in visuals on parts of the game that very few players can reach. I’m not opposed to this in principle, mind you.

              But yeah the raids and dungeons didn’t really grip me in the end. Pretty as they are, there’s a lot of arbitrary systems at play which kill my engagement.