• @DelightfullyDivisive
    59 days ago

    My understanding of the history of the fediverse, such as it is, is that it was initially used by marginalized groups. Specifically LGBTQ people who felt (and in fact were) persecuted on other platforms.

    Trans rights are a core issue to many people here. This is likely why your take is being met with outright rejection by so many.

    • @GaMEChld
      39 days ago

      I understand. But all the down votes and hurt feelings in the world don’t change the validity of my point. It is entirely possible to hurt a cause by generating more opposition than support.

      Are we here to virtue signal or win?

      • @DelightfullyDivisive
        28 days ago

        I think a lot of people on Lemmy ARE here to virtue signal. At least with humor like what was posted.

        I think that your comment and another that amplified what you said did an excellent job of getting your point across. My point was that you’re not likely to move the opinion of people who identify as trans, or whose identity is bound to trans rights. If you were trying to get others who aren’t in that camp to think about this more deeply, you probably succeeded. I suspect that for every person who comments there are at least 10 who read your message but prefer to remain silent.

        • @GaMEChld
          27 days ago

          Yeah, I agree. The value of comments is the discourse, not the Internet points!