• Dran
    6 months ago

    What if he wasn’t speeding, and didn’t dismiss dangerous civil behavior as something he should be allowed to pay 0.0001% of his net worth for and move on without consequence?

    We should be one of those countries where civil infraction penalties are calculated based on net worth.

    This seems like the closest we’ll ever get to “justice” on the guy who only isn’t in jail right now for beating the shit out of his pregnant girlfriend “because he’s Tyreek Hill”

    • @givesomefucks
      536 months ago

      He got a speeding ticket…

      After he gave them his license he rolled up his window, which as far as I know, is 100% legal.

      Then he got drug out of his car and three dudes held him down on hot ass asphalt.

      You really think that’s acceptable? You’d be ok with it if you were speeding?

      • @dhork
        66 months ago

        I can understand the cop being concerned about having the window rolled up, those windows were extremely tinted and he wouldn’t be able to see what Hill was doing. But the cop went from 0 to 60 faster than Hill did. Hill did say he closed the window to keep people from taking pictures. But I bet it the officer asked him to roll it down just a bit Hill would have complied.

        • @NatakuNox
          136 months ago

          It’s not the persons job to put the polices officers concerns above their own. During a traffic stop you only are required to give the police license, registration, and proff of insurance. Until the police tell you are being detained you can ignore them. The only things Hill did wrong in this situation was speeding and forgetting it’s always shut the fuck up Friday when dealing with the police. Give the police the documents, roll up the windows and wait for your ticket. We all know if the white owner of the dolphins was in the car and did the same things Hill did the situation would have ended differently.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            wrong! when the police give you a lawful order and you refuse to follow it, they are allowed to use force.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        He was acting like a completely entitled ass hat…

        Yelling about not knocking on the window over and over is like page 1 of the douchebag manual; Trying to start a fight over the most trivial thing.

        Then when he’s told to get out of the car, he ignores them and starts calling someone. What should the cops have done at that point?

        They were both assholes to some degree, but hill did everything possible to get that to happen

    • @Ledivin
      196 months ago

      People like you are why we’re sliding towards fascism.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      He got a speeding ticket in a poorly designed street with variable speed limits that is only designed to funnel people to and from the stadium and the interstate that just so happens to cut something like a nine lane street through a low income and predominantly black neighborhood and school zones. And the only reason he wasn’t shot dead was because he was driving a very expensive car and the cop likely identified him as a semi-celebrity right away. This whole thing is like a case study in all the various forms of institutional racism. Tyreek Hill might be an unredeemable asshole, but that’s FAR from the whole story.