Leave a comment on the post and I’ll DM you the join URL. Feel free to share it with a friend, but not post it publicly.

Current player limit is the default 4, but I may increase it if we actually get that many players joining at the same time.

Edit: Someone asked about a chat, so I created a steam group for the server, you should be able to join that here: https://steamcommunity.com/chat/invite/EblxtBh7

  • Krafting
    96 months ago

    It’s actually really good if you like FPS, Farming for ressources and building. I spent a lot of time in the game, but not enough time imo, I’ll need to play more!

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      Ah that sounds cool

      If I do get into mind DMing me that link. Also if I get friends into it can I share that link

    • MentalEdgeOP
      26 months ago

      Any interest in doing so on the server?

      I personally haven’t played using a server until now, and that feeling of exploration you get when logging onto a minecraft server where others have been building things while you were away is amazing, and I think it could be really add a lot to satisfactory.

      • Krafting
        26 months ago

        Indeed it might add a looot, and I’d love to join (give me the link) but I’m not sure if I’ll have time to join for the moment, maybe this week end!

        • MentalEdgeOP
          6 months ago

          No commitment to play regularly required, I’m a working adult myself, and only had time to set this up today because I’ve a few days of sick leave due to a light fever. DMd the deets!