• @[email protected]
      115 months ago

      What bothers me is Texas isn’t exactly far ahead of Florida in what they teach kids and they also have massive influence on what books schools across the nation end up using.

    • magnetosphere
      65 months ago

      Floridians are just as intelligent and prone to moments of stupidity as the rest of the country. They just seem like exceptional idiots because of Florida’s Sunshine Laws, which publicize ridiculous, headline-grabbing incidents. Now, reporters actively search for funny/outrageous Florida stories, and the process feeds itself. The Sunshine Laws are responsible for most of the Florida Man jokes you’ve seen.

      No, I’m not a publicly agent for the state of Florida. Actually, I think it would be a terrible place to live. They’re not idiots, though.

        • @[email protected]
          115 months ago

          So im gonna preface this by saying the furthest ive gone east is Arkansas. But I swear to fuck Florida plates will handsdown be the worst drivers in a pretty sizable radius, like driving down the wrong side of the highway after pulling a uey bad. Mind you they aint the most psychotic drivers, that goes to Idaho. But Idaho is just kinda doing their own thing, while everyone is playing chess Idaho has glued itself to the ceiling and is pissing into its own mouth.

            • magnetosphere
              25 months ago

              Yeah. Okay. What you say makes sense, and I’m not a big fan of starting arguments. I also appreciate that you said “I get your sentiment…” You got my meaning and considered it. Disagreements on the internet don’t often go that way.

        • nifty
          25 months ago

          The smartest regular citizens I’ve met have so far been in NY, MA or MN

          • @stoly
            15 months ago

            CA has a huge population of doctorates.

            • nifty
              05 months ago

              Some doctorates are only earned because mommy and daddy made it easy to get in or have an easier life, so it doesn’t really predicate being intelligent or wise

      • @stoly
        15 months ago

        Relativism won’t save Florida. I’ve spent plenty of time there and have even travelled fully north to south and south to north. I’ve also lived in Louisiana and spent time in all parts of Texas and Mississippi. Florida really is on a different level.

    • @[email protected]
      -15 months ago

      We should have a rule that the 5 states with the lowest test scores in schools don’t get to vote for president.