• AbsentBird
      304 days ago

      Splitting the vote allows an opening for fascists to take control with a minority of support, like they do.

      • sunzu2
        -404 days ago

        ahh yes… muhh team right, vote for my guy, trust me bro 🤡

        Anyway, the two party regime is the same guy, y’all can keep doing these mental gymnastics but people are taking notice. why keep doing the same thing and expect different result?

        You can keep voting for your “guy” while some will vote third party as protest vote to deny the regime legitimacy.

        • @[email protected]
          164 days ago

          Can you see that you’re arguing against fictitious strawmen? You seem to be operating under the delusion that for all the dumb normies who have “bought into” the existing two-party system, politics is just a game that they play without understanding. You’ve reduced them all to NPC’s who lack the capacity to reason; obviously their only motivation could be mindless conformity to their “team”.

          Is it your contention that it doesn’t matter what party controls the branches of government, because they’re both the same? While this is factually inaccurate, it would at least be in line with the actions you’re advocating. Speaking of which, how exactly do you imagine a “protest” vote would deny the subsequently elected government legitimacy? What force and effect do you foresee that action producing? Because anyone with a working knowledge of our electoral system can tell you that the only discernable result will be the empowerment of the minority party, which in this case seeks a fascist overthrow of our democratic system.

          What you’re doing here is applying shallow, childish logic to a complex and nuanced problem, while pretending to have some high-minded motivations which—if they exist at all—clearly haven’t been thought through.

          • @aaa999
            24 days ago

            google bullshit asymmetry and then use fewer word when talking to bads

          • sunzu2
            -244 days ago

            You are shilling for the status quo. I reject the status quo.

            People can make their own decisions.

            • YeetPics
              23 days ago

              Yea well I rejected the status quo before it was cool.

              You’re just another bandwagon status-quo hater.

              • sunzu2
                -13 days ago

                You’re just another bandwagon status-quo hater.

                Based on the spazzing around this here thread… clearly not

        • @ripcord
          144 days ago

          Once again, severe reading comprehension issues. Got it.

            • @ripcord
              64 days ago

              You can keep wildly misrepresenting what people are saying all you want. You’re not convincing anyone of anything here.

              • YeetPics
                3 days ago

                We really should push for better mental healthcare, thanks for highlighting this issue, sunzu!