• @davidagain
    3 months ago

    Note: Linkerbean is a republican pretending to be left leaning, here just to dissuade left-leaning folk from voting dem.

    I said so to them a while back and their reply, since deleted, was “Cope.” https://lemmy.world/comment/12097015

    Downvote and move on, but you’ll get only nonsense if you engage.

    • sunzu2
      13 months ago

      You got some links to support this?

      Dude shills anti genocide position based on my experience

      • @davidagain
        23 months ago

        Only in order to pursuade folks not to vote democratic (which is bizarre because Trump and his party are pretty rabidly on favour of “finish them” outcomes in Gaza).

        Link: https://lemmy.world/comment/12097015 I can only see the reply “cope” in my inbox. On the website the 1 more reply never expands for me.

    • @vatlarkM
      3 months ago

      This comment got reported. And while trolling is not allowed. Attacking an individual is also not allowed. So I’m not sure if attacking them for being a troll is allowed.

      If you think a post is trolling (ie: just trying to stir up anger rather than trying to make an argument for something), please report it. If you think a poster is serial trolling please point it out in the report.

      I’m open to feedback.

      • @davidagain
        23 months ago

        I’ve edited it to make it more factual and perhaps less emotive by replacing the phrase “republican troll” with “republican pretending to be left leaning” and provided a link to where they replied “cope” when I pointed this out to them previously. I don’t know if you can see the reply, it won’t expand for me, but I promise you that’s what it said. I don’t know whether you count arguing in bad faith just to persuade your political opponents not to vote as trolling, but I certainly feel it’s not good behaviour and worth pointing out to folks who are taken in.

        • @vatlarkM
          13 months ago

          Thank you, I really appreciate the effort to tone things down.

          I want people to have the freedom be passionate in their comments and posts, and I think the community rules do a good job of allow the freedom to argue passionately. The rules do aim to avoid attacks against people themselves and groups of people.

          So, while toning things down is not the primary goal, when things get aggressive it’s harder for everyone to avoid ad hominem attacks.