• @Dasus
    -14 hours ago

    “No country is without sin” *mentions a civil war*

    Wow, yeah, having struggled for our independence more than 100 years ago is what you’re going with with this whataboutism, when we’re discussing WAR CRIMES?

    Wow what a great argument, definitely showed me my place, yeah. /S

    Why didn’t I answer your garbage attempt at rhetoric? Because you’re ignoring actual international law to defend Israel’s despicable attack on civilians. Something my country has NEVER done.

    • @Lumisal
      4 hours ago

      War is war, civil or not. I also mentioned WW2 since Finland did ally with the Nazis.

      No, I’m giving you a moral dilemma to show you your own hypocrisy. Injuring thousands of Hezbollah members will save lives too - these are the people firing missiles at civilians as well (unless you’re saying every Israeli is guilty, in which that says a lot more about how ducked up you are if true).

      Hence I gave you a similar scenario. Because if the tables were turned - if someone managed to explode Netanyahu and co’s phones and kill him, you’d probably be cheering even if children died, because it would mean a genocidal war would be halted.

      You prefer the few rather than the greater good. And that always leads to more death rather than less. And quite frankly, makes you a shit military member to boot. Because it means if Russia did attack Finland, you’d prefer Putin alive if the opening for taking him out would kill a few innocents - even though letting him live would mean many more dying.

      None of this exonerates Israel btw - an evil accidentally doing a net good doesn’t stop that evil from being evil. But Hezbollah taking such a heavy hit with very few bystander casualties is a best case scenario, because the alternative - doing nothing - would have eventually led to more deaths.