“I don’t care what some rando has to say, now let me go back to posting on the site full of randos talking to eachother. BUT THEY BETTER NOT REPLY TO ME!”
Sorry, I should have said I don’t care to be mansplained about basic shit about how posting things on the internet works. You guys are really fucking obnoxious, it’s telling how badly my comment about consent set you all off.
Yes. your comment set me off so much that I made a calm, rational response about the dangers of posting online and the lack of control you have over it.
God, someone stop me. Won’t someone think of the children?
You regurgitated what a million other jerk ass men already said. I get it. Things on the internet are there forever, it’s all the women’s fault for posting revealing pics, I mean they were asking for it with the way they were dressed, huh?
Everyone is the enemy, even if they’ve no hate or hostility, and have provided nothing but calm and rational discourse… you won’t let that stop you from imagining what they said, so you can be upset about that instead.
Because you must justify being an obnoxious ass about everything, and to everyone, to try and artificially elevate respectful discourse into screaming and skreeeeee-ing, because its the only way you can sustain your perpetual victim complex to justify yourself. Its why you do abhorrent shit like equate basic internet safety that an alarming majority of people don’t know or realize in this day and age to rape. Because using rape in this way is a great way to provoke all sorts of responses that you can self-victimize yourself with, over and over again, to wallow in your euphoria of imagined persecution.
How many times do I have to tell you I don’t care about your regurgitated “internet safety” lecture. I already knew and yet you decided to type a whole fucking condescending essay. So, as respectfully and calmly as possible, fuck off.
Just cant resist provoking hostility to feed that persecution complex, can you.
See, this is unhinged. You’ve been antagonizing them this entire time.
You’ve criticized them for bringing up rape, and yet you just can’t seem to leave them alone, can you? Weird.
Some poor sap has come in here just to say something like “McDonald’s shouldn’t run their coffee machine so god damn hot if it’s going to fuse labia together,” and you’ve come in to correct the record: “Hm. Well. Actually, the only safe way to handle hot coffee is not to buy one. I’m very smart.” Cool. Thanks, dude. I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but I’m glad the abstinence-only sex ed seems to be working for you.
I also understand consequences for actions. If it was a private insta page, that’s one thing, and I don’t necessarily support these men’s actions nor would I take them myself, insofar as the thirsty comments, but if I posted a picture of myself that was purposefully sexy publicly, those are the comments I have to be prepared to get. I really don’t think your argument holds weight, as the consent is done when they post the image publicly to a place with public comments. That was the choice they made. I think that if somebody’s pictures are leaked or something, that’s totally different, but just insofar as public forums… yeah no
So does a woman walking in public wearing revealing clothes deserve to be catcalled? Because that’s basically what you’re arguing. It’s literally victim blaming, why can’t men simply be respectful? Why are women made to police themselves?
Wasn’t a trump card. Was intended to show you just how ridiculous your line of argumentation was. If I said I’m right because I’ve been sexually assaulted, that would be different.
Whatever you say, really don’t care. I don’t need some rando to tell me shit I already know.
“I don’t care what some rando has to say, now let me go back to posting on the site full of randos talking to eachother. BUT THEY BETTER NOT REPLY TO ME!”
Sorry, I should have said I don’t care to be mansplained about basic shit about how posting things on the internet works. You guys are really fucking obnoxious, it’s telling how badly my comment about consent set you all off.
Yes. your comment set me off so much that I made a calm, rational response about the dangers of posting online and the lack of control you have over it.
God, someone stop me. Won’t someone think of the children?
You regurgitated what a million other jerk ass men already said. I get it. Things on the internet are there forever, it’s all the women’s fault for posting revealing pics, I mean they were asking for it with the way they were dressed, huh?
Yes yes.
Everyone is the enemy, even if they’ve no hate or hostility, and have provided nothing but calm and rational discourse… you won’t let that stop you from imagining what they said, so you can be upset about that instead.
Because you must justify being an obnoxious ass about everything, and to everyone, to try and artificially elevate respectful discourse into screaming and skreeeeee-ing, because its the only way you can sustain your perpetual victim complex to justify yourself. Its why you do abhorrent shit like equate basic internet safety that an alarming majority of people don’t know or realize in this day and age to rape. Because using rape in this way is a great way to provoke all sorts of responses that you can self-victimize yourself with, over and over again, to wallow in your euphoria of imagined persecution.
Man, you must tell a lot of women online that their titties are bumpin’.
Oh absolutely. Thats all I post.
At least according to someones imagination.
How many times do I have to tell you I don’t care about your regurgitated “internet safety” lecture. I already knew and yet you decided to type a whole fucking condescending essay. So, as respectfully and calmly as possible, fuck off.
Seem to care an awful lot, since you are still here being a pissy asshole.
Just cant resist provoking hostility to feed that persecution complex, can you.
See, this is unhinged. You’ve been antagonizing them this entire time.
You’ve criticized them for bringing up rape, and yet you just can’t seem to leave them alone, can you? Weird.
Some poor sap has come in here just to say something like “McDonald’s shouldn’t run their coffee machine so god damn hot if it’s going to fuse labia together,” and you’ve come in to correct the record: “Hm. Well. Actually, the only safe way to handle hot coffee is not to buy one. I’m very smart.” Cool. Thanks, dude. I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but I’m glad the abstinence-only sex ed seems to be working for you.
I’ve literally been sexually assaulted and you set me off too. Maybe you’re just a fucking dumbass
Well, as someone who’s been through it, I’d really hope you of all people would understand the fucking importance of consent.
I also understand consequences for actions. If it was a private insta page, that’s one thing, and I don’t necessarily support these men’s actions nor would I take them myself, insofar as the thirsty comments, but if I posted a picture of myself that was purposefully sexy publicly, those are the comments I have to be prepared to get. I really don’t think your argument holds weight, as the consent is done when they post the image publicly to a place with public comments. That was the choice they made. I think that if somebody’s pictures are leaked or something, that’s totally different, but just insofar as public forums… yeah no
So does a woman walking in public wearing revealing clothes deserve to be catcalled? Because that’s basically what you’re arguing. It’s literally victim blaming, why can’t men simply be respectful? Why are women made to police themselves?
Are we really equivocating catcalling, in which a woman has immediate and relevant fears for her physical safety, and some gross comments online?
Like when somebody tells me they’re gonna rape me in a video game lobby, I don’t appreciate their language but I’m not legitimately fearful.
I’d also really think somebody that cares about people wouldn’t throw somebody’s trauma in their face, fwiw
I don’t appreciate people using their trauma as a trump card, fwiw
Wasn’t a trump card. Was intended to show you just how ridiculous your line of argumentation was. If I said I’m right because I’ve been sexually assaulted, that would be different.
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