• Kushan
    53 hours ago

    Honestly 95% of Jira complaints are because people have crap workflows configured. Out of the box Jira is pretty terrible but it’s very customisable and you need to adjust it to suit your needs - and they have to be your needs and workflows.

    That being said, there’s that last 5% that Jira just gets in the way. If anyone has ever had multiple teams working on a single product, Jira is very prescribed about how you’re supposed to structure that and If you don’t, it’s a pain.

    • @[email protected]
      123 hours ago

      I’d suggest that 95% of Jira complaints are actually about corporate culture which is felt most keenly through asshole PMs trying to micromanage you through a ticketing system. It’s mostly a fine piece of software - if you have a certified wizard to configure it it can be great… if you have a dummy it’s going to be barely usable - but you can say the same thing about github issue tracking.

      The unfortunate thing is that the teams most likely to use Jira are also the teams I most likely never want to work on.