Tim Ryan, former Ohio Democratic representative, says Trump is avoiding debate because ‘he is scared’

  • @Donkter
    166 months ago

    I mean, Donald Trump’s a chicken and everything but he’s right. All that a second debate would do is have Harris wipe the floor with him. And that would be fun to watch but I wouldn’t be watching the debate to see which nuanced point each candidate is bringing to the table and to make up my mind on whose foreign policy positions are better so I can finally decide who to vote for.

    • @Telodzrum
      466 months ago
      1. What the fuck?

      2. Most voters who fall into the undecided category 90 days before the election will not make a final choice until within 72 hours of casting their vote.

      • @WindyRebel
        16 months ago

        In such a polarizing environment today and with an idea of how both administrations would work (2016 and 2020), who is still needing to wait until 72 hours beforehand?

        Gonna call bullshit on anyone needing more details to make up their idea about the candidate in this race. Not saying you are posting bullshit, but rather anyone that says they really don’t know is full of shit. They know.

        • @Telodzrum
          6 months ago

          who is still needing to wait until 72 hours beforehand

          Almost all of the voters who actually matter in this electoral environment.

          Gonna call bullshit on anyone needing more details to make up their idea about the candidate in this race. Not saying you are posting bullshit, but rather anyone that says they really don’t know is full of shit. They know.

          This is a bias you have because you pay attention to political news. You are on a political discussion board you are the exception. Most people don’t pay any attention to elections until October, at best.

          • @WindyRebel
            16 months ago

            This is a bias you have because you pay attention to political news. You are on a political discussion board you are the exception. Most people don’t pay any attention to elections until October, *at best*.

            You know, I can concede that point about my bias. I still say that they already have examples of both administrations and what they will be like. Nothing will be a surprise.

          • @Donkter
            16 months ago

            To your exact point about us being biased because we pay more attention to politics. I think people who wait till 72 hours before to decide don’t do so because they are politically ascended and have chosen to wait until 3 days before to make sure all of the facts are in on either candidate’s political positions so they can fill out their voter decision matrix to calculate the exact candidate for them.

            Of course not. They wait until 72 hours or less because they haven’t given a single thought to the election and are just going to vote based on their gut feeling at the last minute. Unless a debate happens the day before election day (I want to see that happen lol) it’s in and out of the political consciousness too fast to matter. The same voters who don’t make up their mind until 72 hours before are the same voters who debates don’t affect in the slightest. The venn diagram overlaps.

            To my initial point. The reason for a debate would be the old school reason of actually having the candidates posing hard-hitting good-faith questions to each other to show why their side has thought about the arguments and the issues more. That hasn’t happened in decades though of course.

    • FuglyDuck
      66 months ago

      Honestly, it’s the first rational decision he made in a long while.

      That said, if he can’t keep it cool in a debate… do we really want him in charge of the nukes? Or doing diplomacy…

    • @someguy3
      6 months ago

      Well if he can restrain himself from reacting and from conspiracy theories, all these undecided might actually think he won.

    • Rhaedas
      16 months ago

      No one watched the first debate to see talking points. They wanted to see how Trump would mess things up. They weren’t disappointed.