“Federal Election Commission records show Stein paid $100,000 in July to a consulting outfit that has worked with Republican campaigns, as well as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential bid. The firm, Accelevate, is operated by Trent Pool. The Intercept reported that he appeared to be part of the mob that breached the grounds of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6., 2021. The Journal hasn’t independently verified the reporting.”

  • @[email protected]
    1212 hours ago

    Who are they shilling for? See, Comrade Stein is shilling for Russia. As we know- there is a connection. But who exactly would the democrats be accused of shilling for?

    • @Ensign_Crab
      59 hours ago

      But who exactly would the democrats be accused of shilling for?

      Netanyahu. AIPAC bought two candidates right out in the open. The party welcomes foreign interference against progressives.

      • @TheFonz
        -11 hour ago

        Israel paid directly for two candidates and committed FARA violations? That’s a big claim buddy. Got any… Evidence?

        • @Ensign_Crab
          259 minutes ago

          AIPAC paid to defeat Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush. If you want to believe that AIPAC is actually independent of Israel, I can’t make you stop believing absurdities.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          69 hours ago

          Yes, you find 14 pages of dead Palestinian infants to be the funniest shit ever. The perpetrator of the ongoing genocide in Gaza bought candidates for you.

          • @[email protected]
            8 hours ago

            Look at that! Four upvotes within mere minutes on a completely dead end comment chain! You’re about as authentic as they get bud!

            No amount of suck puppets will make the shit you say appear any less stupid.

          • @[email protected]
            -39 hours ago

            No, I find your bullshit false accusations to be funny. Especially when it’s backed up by quite a lengthy mod log of removed misinformation and bullshit trolling attempts.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              08 hours ago

              I have no sock puppet accounts. If I Had sockpuppets, my comments would have more upvotes and a lot more genocide supporters would have more downvotes. Only one comment I’ve ever made has been (unjustly in my opinion) removed as misinformation.

              You’re just mad that I didn’t immediately shut up when you used “hilarious” as a rebuttal. Now you’re responding to my comments multiple times, spouting conspiracy nonsense, and going through my comment history to stalk me into other threads.

              • @[email protected]
                -18 hours ago

                News flash bud…. There’s no genocide supporters here. But ironically, I did see you get bent out of shape when someone accused you of being a Trump supporter.


                If you can’t take it- don’t dish it.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  06 hours ago

                  There’s no genocide supporters here.

                  You stood up for a genocide denier in the thread you followed me into on another community.

    • LustyArgonianMana
      -310 hours ago

      Lol what? Are you just totally ignorant to corporate involvement in politics? Do you know what a lobbyist is?

      • @[email protected]
        -210 hours ago

        Comparing Russian influence on a compromised asset to lobbyists is a bit of a reach bud. But you do you!

        • LustyArgonianMana
          9 hours ago

          Wow, wow. Have you seen Erin Brokovich? Do you think corporations have your best interest at heart? Triangle shirtwaist factory? OSHA? Johnson&Johnson gave generations of babies cancer with their talc. Just look up tort reform and tort cases. Watch the documentary Hot Coffee. Watch the documentary The Bleeding Edge about medical devices. How about the Oakville Blob scandal that happened during Clinton’s administration? What about social media companies and tech companies and the products they produce? Lead in baby food and Dollar Tree foods. The Nestle baby formula scandal. Thalidomide babies. Glyphosate being a neurotoxin that’s permeated our water supply. What about environmental impacts of our companies and how those are genociding more people than actual active war? What about P Diddy and Epstein and all their connections to literal business owners who fund and come up with many policies? Or earth being past 6 of 9 planetary boundaries?

          And think about how insurance companies lobbied to prevent Medicare for All policies and the best thing we could get was Obamacare. Or how price gouging has been shown to have happened with current inflation around fucking FOOD prices. Or how fucking taxes and tax breaks work for corporations compared to the rates in the 70s.

          Notice how all these things harm the general public? The very people our representatives should represent? Yeah, Dems are shills and have blood on their hands.

          They are literally killing us through abusive policies, inaction, medical neglect, starvation, climate change, and mismanagement. The Dems may be less fucked up than others, but they are absolutely fucked up.

          Clinton was buddies with Epstein. They are NOT “for the people.” They are for the status quo.

          • @TheFonz
            1 hour ago

            The state of political discourse on Lemmy:

            have you seen Erin Brokovich

            Jesus. You can’t make this up

            • LustyArgonianMana
              38 hours ago

              What? I’m in my thirties and a sex worker. I’m not a “kiddo”

              • @[email protected]
                -28 hours ago

                If that’s what you wanted to have said- it’s good for you that you managed to say it, isn’t it?

                • LustyArgonianMana
                  48 hours ago

                  Why wouldn’t I want to say that? I am an adult talking about an adult topic. I gave you numerous examples of Dems being a shill, which you literally asked for:

                  Who are they shilling for?

                  As we know- there is a connection. But who exactly would the democrats be accused of shilling for?

                  And neither I nor the other commenter are advocating for voting for Stein or Trump. Im voting for Kamala specifically because I think she will help sex workers. So it’s kinda funny how hostile you’re being with your little insults when we are on the ‘same side.’ Another Dem with the emotional and verbal abuse, you all can’t resist it, can you? And then Dems wonder why people aren’t motivated to vote for them lol.

                  What problems does Russian interference cause, that isn’t present with corporate interference? You assert they are totally different and being a shill for one is drastically different than a shill for another (admitting Dems are shills). Both are guilty of killing people and misinformation. It’s just who personally gets the financial benefits that changes. So how is being a shill for Blackrock so much better than a shill for Russia?

                  If Kamala was a shill for Russia and Trump was a corporate shill, but their policies were the same, would it be more moral to vote for who they shill for, or for the policies they say they will put forth?

                  Like if Kamala was a Russian asset, and Trump wasn’t, who would you vote for?

                  • @[email protected]
                    -48 hours ago

                    I don’t answer stupid hypotheticals asked by people in bad faith after they called me a coward.

                    You lost any chance to have a mature discussion on the topic.