• @Subtracty
    906 hours ago

    This is the danger of celebrity endorsement. It will bring so much more attention to an unworthy ‘cause’, and so many fans will now absorb this information without critical thought. It is truly a situation where a well-intentioned person does not know enough to understand that this supposed expert is talking nonsense and the world at large slips that much further into disinformation.

    • @[email protected]
      196 hours ago

      Is it disinformation or merely misinformation here? The former seems to imply someone knowing what they are talking about but lying to the recipient, while the latter is someone clueless what even they themselves are saying.

      Oh, but maybe you meant that falling for the misinformation opens people up to therefore be more receptive to actual disinformation.

      Either way I thought I would share that I was being tripped up by that word, in case that feedback helps you to reach a wider audience without having to encounter such barriers.

      • @Subtracty
        214 hours ago

        I was torn between the use of misinformation and disinformation. And comments on Lemmy are often speaking into a void, so I honestly did not think it would matter. I appreciate the clarification and agree that misinformation is more appropriate. But agree that falling for misinformation leads to disinformation.

        • @[email protected]
          143 hours ago

          Comments in Lemmy are also sometimes like talking to a spiky wall, so I am glad that you took this in the spirit that I intended!:-)

    • @[email protected]
      -215 hours ago

      But I mean nothing Graham Hancock says is that damaging. He suggests that there really was an ancient Atlantis type civilization, which has been suggested by thousands of people including Plato. No one who listens to him talk is actually gonna be swayed against their beliefs one way or the other

        • Final Remix
          102 hours ago

          I remember when he was a fuckin’ gameshow host.

          • @fusionsaint
            21 hour ago

            I was just talking about this the other day. Absolutely incredible.

      • @Subtracty
        233 hours ago

        The belief in the existence of a super-race (or whatever term Hancock uses) is dubious. While the idea on its own may seem harmless, it opens the door for racist idealogies. Everything has to be taken in context, and crackpot archeologists have been making this argument for ages in order to justify later arguments for eugenics.

        I know it may appear that Hancock questioning the established historians and “big archeology” is above suspicion, but it is done in an unambiguously dishonest way. He refuses to acknowledge sound logical arguments put forth by multiple well-respected sources and hand waves things away as common sense. Essentially, he is frustrating because his arguments muddy the waters of logical discussions and introduce doubt in a community that certainly does not get paid enough for this shit.

          • @WhiteOakBayou
            52 hours ago

            The survivors of the cataclysm that brought their advanced knowledge to the ancient peoples is the super race.

              • @WhiteOakBayou
                153 minutes ago

                Yes, if those people are technologically so advanced as to be indistinguishable from wizards. In Graham Hancocks mythology, these people brought the secrets of agriculture and advanced maths to indigenous peoples around the world. A lot of his evidence for this comes from ancient religious texts and artifacts. So, if these people are so advanced that they are worshiped by the natives I think it’s fair to say he is describing a super race.

                • @[email protected]
                  246 minutes ago

                  Sure techno wizards sound cool AF. Still don’t see how this is a super race when its just people who travel to other places after their civilization gets flushed. If we collapse and I move to south america am I a “super race” or did I just move a bit lol

                  • @WhiteOakBayou
                    130 minutes ago

                    South America has the equivalent level of technology to wherever you come from so no. You wouldn’t be different enough to change any civilizational paradigms. For a less strawmanny example, if you moved to another country tomorrow and revealed the secrets to clean, unlimited power and used techniques and methods to do so that were far outside of our current understanding of physics then maybe you would be.

      • @Andonyx
        465 hours ago

        Plato did not suggest ancient Atlantis existed. He was very clear that he was illustrating a hypothetical “great society” to discuss his views on effective and beneficent government.

        When he discussed it sinking it was a divine punishment from the gods of Olympus because they had strayed from a righteous path. All of it is meant to be a parable.

        • @[email protected]
          -124 hours ago

          I mean that’s our interpretation of a translation of something said thousands of years ago. But if they want to they can choose to believe what they want. IMO an ancient island sinking due to gods is no different than saying “high tech civ nuked itself out of existense” but with less context. I’m not saying this really happened, but its not like its impossible, just extraordinarily unlikely to be true.

          • @Andonyx
            3 hours ago

            I’m not sure if you’re arguing that it being fictional is an interpretation or that its demise from the ire of the Gods is an interpretation.

            If it’s the former, you are incorrect. The single best primary source being his own protege and student Aristotle who also makes it clear the whole thing is didactic invention. (There are debates that some individual events within the story are inspired by actual events in Egypt and Athens, but its existence is never presented as fact. The entire idea that this was some historical account came mostly from a judge writing his own history books in the 19th century.)

            This is also not debatable due to translation. It’s Plato. The best scholars of all time in both language and history have studied this, literally for centuries. There is not any serious or scholarly debate about his intentions with this story. And multiple, equally capable translations of Aristotle corroborate that.

            If you’re talking about the destruction of Atlantis, it’s been too long for me to argue that specifically, but the idea that it was divine punishment is the prevailing view of that story.

            • @[email protected]
              2 hours ago

              Even if all the scholars think it wasn’t literal doesn’t mean he didn’t mean it literally, that could just be how we have been interpreting it

              • @[email protected]
                115 minutes ago

                Plato wasn’t writing in some long-dead obscure language that we only have vague translations of, it was Greek. It’s not a matter of interpretation.

      • @SzethFriendOfNimi
        455 hours ago

        It’s damaging because it adds doubt to any kind of scientific consensus.

        “They” don’t want you to know that vaccines are dangerous.

        “They” are only pushing chemo for big pharma.

        “They” don’t want to admit that this was where ancient civilizations had some global empire.

        It’s the same kind of attitude of “fantastical claim you can believe if you just dismiss all the evidence that you don’t like”

        And that is very damaging because it further erodes understanding of the scientific method.

          • ZephrC
            233 hours ago

            Distrusting the government is not the same thing as believing baseless gibberish just because it disagrees with science that has been used to inform government decisions.