• @gaylord_fartmaster
    2 hours ago

    “I burned the original disc” would never mean “I made a copy of the original disc to another CD-R” to anyone that actually knows what burning a disc is.

    It would either mean “The original disc is a CD-R that I burned an image to”, or “I threw the original disc in a fire”.

    • @tee9000
      12 hours ago

      Friend with baggy jeans and a System of a Down CD says: “hey i dont have a computer, can you burn this disc?”

      Is he an idiot? Does he not truly know what he is talking about? Can i stop replying to this comment chain?

      • @gaylord_fartmaster
        11 hour ago

        No, because in that context it makes sense to assume he means burning to a blank CD.

        If he showed me the official CD and said “My friend burned this”, intending to mean “My friend made a copy of this to their own blank CD”, I’d look at them and think “That’s clearly not a burnt CD-R, that looks like a legit release”.

        • @tee9000
          028 minutes ago

          When you say “…he means burning to a blank CD.”

          You are burning what onto a blank CD? The data from the original CD? So you are saying he means to burn the original CD to a blank CD? In other words:

          “I burned this CD [to a blank CD].”

          Seriously this is pointless please set me free.

          • @gaylord_fartmaster
            238 minutes ago

            lol if you want to go through life using words incorrectly and sounding like you don’t know what you’re talking about to people that do, be my guest. this is a comment thread about a word choice in an article that was clearly confusing for that very reason