• @TrickDacy
    218 hours ago

    I mean, if she is secretly a trump supporter I’m pretty sure her reason to keep it a secret would be entirely selfish so I couldn’t agree there. Better than if she shared that view sure but I don’t see it being altruistic. I refuse to think she is a trumper though because if she is, then nothing can be pure in this world.

    • @SPRUNT
      2218 hours ago

      If she’s actively trying to help educate people, she’s no secret Trump supporter.

      • @TrickDacy
        417 hours ago

        I don’t know why I’m getting pushback to a hypothetical that I’ve clearly stated I don’t want to be true and I don’t believe is true. The only reason I even have this as a possible idea is that she keeps her views secret, so it’s not on me either way. It is natural to sometimes be curious about people’s motives even if you think they’re probably a great person.

        • @yrmp
          48 hours ago

          My theory as someone from Appalachia is that she’s a left leaning centrist trying to bring class consciousness back to the coal mining areas (y’know, where they shot their bosses in literal battles to establish worker unions previously), but she also depends on those local economies to get resources to do this and has to play both sides.

          She’s made it her life’s mission to improve the education and literacy rate of the region and has to appear homey and down to earth to the folks living in the south as she doesn’t want to compromise her image. She says things in a vague enough way to not be accused of being a dirty lefty commie (their words, not mine).

          I don’t think you deserve pushback, just offering an alternative explanation.

    • vortic
      618 hours ago

      I could easily imagine her as either conservative or liberal or somewhere in between or somewhere outside of that whole spectrum. I can’t imagine that she is a Trumper.

      I expect that her reason for not sharing her political beliefs is at least somewhat selfish. She has fans across the political spectrum, different segments of whom would certainly be upset by any political position she espoused. It could even be that she’s concerned about fans being angry and violent depending on what her views actually are.

      Regardless, the fact that she doesn’t use her popularity to influence politics makes me respect her all the more. I my opinion, it’s both a smart decision for her, personally, and shows moral character.