• @doingthestuff
    512 hours ago

    What are the lowest starting and median wages of her employees at Dollywood?

    • @hate2bme
      210 hours ago

      Glassdoor says average pay is $14.90/hr. I don’t know if it is trustworthy or not.

      • @doingthestuff
        18 minutes ago

        Yeah, at least halfish of her employees are struggling to live. As cheap as the midwest is generally, Pigeon Forge has high property values and high taxes. I know a couple of her employees, they have five people in a shitty two bedroom apartment.

  • @niktemadur
    18 hours ago

    I think it might be relevant to add:

    Dolly Parton worked her ass off, GOT LUCKY AND ACKNOWLEDGES IT, to get where she is.

  • @TrickDacy
    4922 hours ago

    In her entire life, I have seen no evidence that she has EVER said anything as disgusting as Vance does every single time he speaks. In fact, you are hard pressed to criticize her at all. The only thing I have is that she has said she never wants to comment on politics and I just hope that is not because she secretly has bad views but just wants to keep her image despite that. Who knows.

    • @dohpaz42
      3321 hours ago

      Even if her views didn’t align to mine, the fact that she does not go around espousing it at every turn (just like her faith), is still reason enough to respect the hell out of her. So she could be secretly batshit crazier than Vance, and I’d still respect her.

      • @TrickDacy
        220 hours ago

        I mean, if she is secretly a trump supporter I’m pretty sure her reason to keep it a secret would be entirely selfish so I couldn’t agree there. Better than if she shared that view sure but I don’t see it being altruistic. I refuse to think she is a trumper though because if she is, then nothing can be pure in this world.

        • @SPRUNT
          2220 hours ago

          If she’s actively trying to help educate people, she’s no secret Trump supporter.

          • @TrickDacy
            420 hours ago

            I don’t know why I’m getting pushback to a hypothetical that I’ve clearly stated I don’t want to be true and I don’t believe is true. The only reason I even have this as a possible idea is that she keeps her views secret, so it’s not on me either way. It is natural to sometimes be curious about people’s motives even if you think they’re probably a great person.

            • @yrmp
              510 hours ago

              My theory as someone from Appalachia is that she’s a left leaning centrist trying to bring class consciousness back to the coal mining areas (y’know, where they shot their bosses in literal battles to establish worker unions previously), but she also depends on those local economies to get resources to do this and has to play both sides.

              She’s made it her life’s mission to improve the education and literacy rate of the region and has to appear homey and down to earth to the folks living in the south as she doesn’t want to compromise her image. She says things in a vague enough way to not be accused of being a dirty lefty commie (their words, not mine).

              I don’t think you deserve pushback, just offering an alternative explanation.

              • @Machinist
                138 minutes ago

                Yup. She wants to help her people and the most effective way of doing it is by educating the kids.

                Giving books to children is a super effective way to spend the money. They can educate themselves out of the hole.

                It’s actually really subversive. Smart lady. She plays the game quite well. She can’t take an open liberal stance as she would be marginalized, but educating children is difficult to attack.

                I have no doubt that she’s a closeted liberal in the south. It’s often how you have to be to survive.

        • vortic
          620 hours ago

          I could easily imagine her as either conservative or liberal or somewhere in between or somewhere outside of that whole spectrum. I can’t imagine that she is a Trumper.

          I expect that her reason for not sharing her political beliefs is at least somewhat selfish. She has fans across the political spectrum, different segments of whom would certainly be upset by any political position she espoused. It could even be that she’s concerned about fans being angry and violent depending on what her views actually are.

          Regardless, the fact that she doesn’t use her popularity to influence politics makes me respect her all the more. I my opinion, it’s both a smart decision for her, personally, and shows moral character.

  • @[email protected]
    6023 hours ago

    Honestly charity stuff is great and horrible at the same time and you can criticize a lot of it.

    But Dolly is not to blame for the system and within that system, dolly seems to be a fucking Staint. Thanks Dolly!

  • @DarkCloud
    21 hours ago

    They say money unmasks people. She’s a saint.

  • @PriorityMotif
    2221 hours ago

    We get the dolly parton books in the mail and they’re great. I read at least one of them every day.

    Favorites are “grandpa and Jake” “the rabbit listened” and the most recent one “a book for bear.” The from last month is about sending you octopus to school, but it’s not as popular in our house. It has a lot of factoids about octopi, it’s really for an older audience like 6-8

    • @[email protected]
      1519 hours ago

      My younger sister got books from Dolly’s programme. We lived in a shitty little council estate in the North of England, and my little sister got to grow up with more books than I did because of a US country music star. It always blew my mind.

  • @rayyy
    1423 hours ago

    Dolly Parton likes Taylor Swift while the orange felon hates Taylor Swift.

    • @PugJesusOP
      5 hours ago

      “Dolly Parton achieved her success through labor and used that to help other Americans. I prefer that to a guy with social connections using his power to spread racist and sexist tripe in an attempt to usher in fascism.”



      • @[email protected]
        9 hours ago

        No, it’s just that I thought people who grew up poor and ended up rich were a myth made up by the borgeoise to tell poor people it was their own fault

  • @[email protected]
    722 hours ago

    The closest thing Ms. Parton ever did to sin was Rhinestone, and that is still one of my favorite movies of all time.

    • @PugJesusOP
      4323 hours ago

      JD “Appalachians are just lazy welfare leeches” Vance

      I fucking hate Appalachia as only someone who grew up there can hate it, but God, what a dogshit fucking take from someone else who grew up in that shithole and should know better. Of all the many sins that can be laid at Appalachian regional culture’s feet, ‘lazy’ and ‘welfare leech’ do not feature.

      But it was condescendingly paternalistic enough to please liberals and victim-blaming enough to please conservatives, so it was so highly fucking praised when it came out.


      • @[email protected]
        34 hours ago

        I fucking hate Appalachia as only someone who grew up there can hate it

        As someone who grew up in Florida, this resonates with me so fucking much, lol.

        My family traveled quite a bit when I was a kid, and I often found myself riding through Appalachia, and honestly I loved the area around Chattanooga, I genuinely think it’s the most beautiful part of the country, in spite of the kudzu. But it’s probably the only place I could have moved to in the US that would be definitively worse than the place I left a decade ago.

      • @MutilationWave
        517 hours ago

        I’m a proud Appalachian. We have some solid history. It’s a shame what’s become of the place. I still live here in West Virginia. Didn’t that lying sack of shit grow up in a suburb of Cincinnati though?

        • @PugJesusOP
          417 hours ago

          I love and am proud of the history in the place. But as for living there? Man, I was born after right-wing talk radio started inundating the airwaves. Unfortunately, it was never been a pleasant social environment for me to exist in.

          Rare case of the past actually being better in some small detail. Bring back labor radicalism in the mountainfolk, please

      • @lennybird
        1122 hours ago

        Yeah, both I and my father grew up in Appalachia before finally moving away, and I’m not saying it’s a bastion of intellectualism, but that grifting piece of shit doesn’t represent us.

    • @dohpaz42
      821 hours ago

      Maybe Tim Walz will when he runs for president. What a ticket that would be.

  • @finitebanjo
    018 hours ago

    Yeah, we love Dolly, but kind of a Moot Point when Dolly is intentionally Apolitical and not running for any form of office…?

      • @finitebanjo
        418 hours ago

        Vance appears to take a stance against everything good and holy on this earth, so pretty inconsequential that he dislikes Dolly Parton.

        • @[email protected]
          11 hours ago

          I just meant it would be fair for Parton to defend herself and family/friends, yet still remain neutral/apolitical. Like Taylor Swift, she didn’t start attacking and had every right to shut down anyone who does…

          And yeah, the opposite of what Vance supports is a pretty good moral barometer. Kind of like the “Inverse Jim Kramer” investment strategy that beat out all his recommendations (I think?)…