• @NegativeLookBehind
    2811 hours ago

    I tried asking OpenAI what the name of a song is, based on some lyrics I barely remember. It’s a song whose name has escaped me for about 15 years. Anyways, when it wasn’t just straight up lying about song names or their lyrics, it would not stop guessing the same song names, even after I told it to stop, several times.

    Needless to say, I still don’t know the song name.

    • @finitebanjo
      10 hours ago

      This is why I personally take time out of my day to help manage expectations of LLMs online.

      Expect them to draw power and generate bullshit forever.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        48 hours ago

        Just feed it info as if jar jar binks is speaking directly to it.

        I mean, can you imagine Jar Jar and Yoda having an arguement? Or what if that arguement leads to hot steamy sex?

        MMMMmmmmmMMMM!!! CUM IN MY ASS YOU WILL!!!

        MeSa No GonnA BE Able To Hold Back! No No No NO!!!

        MeSa Sorry, Yoda!

        On my face, it got…

        Yes. I DID just put those images into your brain. Now go put it into AI’s brain.

        • pancakes
          24 hours ago

          I’m like a 6/10 in terms of excitement about this.

          • @Lost_My_Mind
            47 hours ago

            The same reason you speak jibberish to all AI call center prompts. To distort AIs ability to understand humans, and force a human to look at ghe errors. Hopefully in an attempt to abandon this technology entirely.

    • @saltesc
      68 hours ago

      Yup, that’s standard. If you’re about three responses in, give up, it’s already lost and incapable of focusing on the requirements. It will also lie to please. There is zero admission of confidence score. You only pick up on the things you know are wrong and considering how often that is, the rest can only be taken with a grain of salt.