• @iamericandre
    6010 hours ago

    Let me die in an emergency room with a treatable disease, like an American.

    • @AdamEatsAss
      2810 hours ago

      The problem is many Republicans believe the exact opposite. The moment you bring up any form of socialized healthcare they will start rattling off stories of people in Europe having to go to a different country to get treatment. Many citizens of the USA have been conditioned to believe that paying for health insurance gives them priority care compared to an uninsured person and if everyone was the same then they’d lose that priority status. They think that if everyone can get healthcare then they’ll die in a waiting room, and there is no evidence to support that our hospitals will not be able to keep up.

      • @Landless2029
        12 hours ago

        Cant keep up?

        Idk why the hell late night ER visits (11pm) take fucking HOURS to get seen if you don’t have a life threatening emergency. You could still be in serious pain for hours.

        I’m next to the main entrance. No ambulance has dropped off someone for you to drop everything to treat.

      • @CitizenKong
        169 hours ago

        Also, countries with socialized healthcare usually also have private health care. But since they have to compete with the public option their prizes are fairly reasonable.

        And that’s not socialism, it’s capitalism.

        • @[email protected]
          5 hours ago

          You see it the wrong way.

          Because there’s a private option, some procedures are either not available or drastically down-prioritized in a public-private system. Shoulders, knees, foot ops to promote proper mobility get a “well let’s wait a bit, or you can go private”. And the best docs go private to maximize the filthy lucre, so sometimes I worry it’s gonna be Dr Nick I get. it never happens, but it only has to happen once for the GoP to be right.

          Because there’s a private option, the number of docs in the public system go down. And wait-lists go up. I know we’re doing … okay … but I imagine how much better it could be if doctors were all in the same pool to burn down the queue.

          There’s public health, and then there’s the cancerous taint of mercenary fucking doctors and their macabre lobbyists. It just matters who fucking corrupted a given system is on a scale from Antarctica to America.

      • @Fedizen
        139 hours ago

        In reality: We pay extra for ourselves and our doctors to wade through a parade of forms that insurance companies will use to deny care for mostly technical reasons.

      • snooggums
        1310 hours ago

        They think that if everyone can get healthcare then they’ll die in a waiting room, and there is no evidence to support that our hospitals will not be able to keep up.

        All of the evidence points to the opposite!

        The examples they love to give are lies or systems after being defunded by conservatives.

        • @[email protected]
          57 hours ago

          systems after being defunded by conservatives

          Like in France, where Macron spent millions to fucking McKinsey for their asshole consultants to “optimize” our healthcare system. Said assholes did what they do best: cut costs and staff.

          Now our hospitals are in shambles, workers are at the rope’s end and they keep on cutting their budget year after year. But it’s all good, we voted for the left so that they turn things around! Oh wait…

        • @bassomitron
          149 hours ago

          Oh, trust me, everyone that support universal healthcare is very much aware that the US ranks quite poorly when it comes to preventable mortality rates in hospitals. The insurance and medical lobbies have used the bullshit wait times disinformation/propaganda for decades and those against universal healthcare love to bring that up as some sort of reliable defense.

          The other thing they consistently use to defend the current system is it would raise taxes to overwhelmingly burdensome rates. They of course ignore the insane monthly premiums that families have to pay already, not to mention the amount of taxes we already pay for Medicaid/Medicare. We get to pay twice! What a benefit.

          • @[email protected]
            35 hours ago

            Currently Canada pays no premium and no user-fees for stuff that’s covered. Like, my auntie is in for a drastic illness and a series of procedures and she worries only about paid parking. I walked in for a series of tests a few months ago and brought only my ID.

            Our system is eroding fast (thanks, Danielle!) but it’s still amazing for its services and cost.

    • Odigo2020
      10 hours ago

      30 Rock, applicable as always. That reminds me, it’s getting on time for my 50th rewatch haha.