• @zazo
    215 months ago

    You know I’ve been thinking about loss and it’s usage on the internet and at this point I think we’ve jumped the shark - what started as a way to express dissatisfaction with the way an issue was handled - has now turned into a “haha loss funny” meme - which kinda takes the piss out miscarriage - a very real issue that affects a lot of people. Maybe I’m just getting old but I feel we should bring this meme to greener pastures…

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      Yeah. It’s a but like Manic Pixie Dream Girl. It was used to describe a specific terrible character in a bad movie where she had no other role other than to appear when needed and be perfect for the scene and the main character to fix him ignoring any character consistency or growth, but then it became an insult to just women and then its own joke.

      We complained about the shitty comic cause it was jarring and weird as a way to handle a serious issue and it being so distasteful was the point. And it’s been eroded as just a reference to be made now for the sake of the reference.

      Meaning and origin break down with iteration. We either need to let it die and stop responding to it or work to fix it.

    • @Caboose12000
      45 months ago

      I think you’re right, I was actually just watching a video essay about this very topic! I was surprised there could be so much nuance to a topic like memes and how they evolve and decay. here’s the link if you wanna check it out https://youtu.be/Yb6dZ1IFlKc?si=pL1mtRwAnBPW8leQ