• Bakkoda
    479 hours ago

    The amount of time recruiters contact me after i decline with “I had no idea you had [insert qualification started clearly on my resume] experience” is 100% of the time.

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      I was rejected for a Master. I asked to know why and they told me it was because I needed a bachelor degree to apply.

      I had two. At the very top of my résumé. At least they accepted me after I pointed that out.

    • The Snark Urge
      358 hours ago

      If all human resources was being part scam and part class warfare on purpose, it’s not clear what they’d be doing differently

    • @SpaceNoodle
      278 hours ago

      One of my favorites was the one that contacted me saying that my experience at Microsoft made me an ideal candidate. They never responded after I pressed them for specifics.

      I have never worked for Microsoft.

      • @toynbee
        186 hours ago

        I used to have the title “system administrator” in my resume. I guess recruiters were just going off of single keyword searches because I’d get all kinds of emails about unrelated administrative positions like “social security administrator.”

        My favorite example was when I got invited to apply for the position of “ocean administrator.” I looked it up at the time and it seemed to be about directing shipping traffic, but it’s more fun to imagine that I would have been in some way directing the ocean itself.

    • @JigglySackles
      6 hours ago

      I have a simple rule that’s worked out really well for me to avoid getting recruiters like that. If their name is foreign, I don’t answer. To be clear, this isn’t me “doing a racism”. If they are from a company I’ve worked with and know to be good I’ll still pick up. But generally if they have an Indian name, they are part of a resume farm and not paying any attention. I’ve also started seeing ones from Africa this year that caught me off guard. Tried to talk to a couple before I realized what was going on and stopped answering any of them. What’s really great is when they use the exact same introduction message.

      • @SirDerpy
        75 hours ago

        You can claim it’s not racism a million times. But, that doesn’t change the truth of it.

        I’m a natural US citizen of Indian heritage. I do the same thing as you: filter all recruiters with Indian names. It’s the only practical course of action.

        The difference between us is I admit that it’s racism. I’m far less likely to fall down the slippery slope.

        • @JigglySackles
          -24 hours ago

          Racism implies an opinion of superiority based on race. We both filter based on race because of a systemic issue that overwhelming relies on Indian nationals, not a racial issue. I have no problem with indian recruiters from know good companies. If it were racism that wouldn’t be the case. Using the “slippery slope” as some sort of moral justification to it is just a logical fallacy. Do whatever makes you feel better about it though I guess.

          • @BradleyUffner
            52 hours ago

            No, racism is judging someone purely from an aspect of their race. Like say, ignoring calls from people with Indian sounding names.

          • @SirDerpy
            74 hours ago

            Racism implies an opinion of superiority based on race.

            No. You moved the goal post such that your actions aren’t included. The rest of your post is based on this false premise, minimization, and projection.



            Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

            • @JigglySackles
              -21 hour ago

              I didn’t move any goal posts.


              a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

              You are talking about prejudice. It’s not the same as racism even though SOME prejudice is based in racism. I have a prejudice based on anecdotal experiences that causes me to avoid Indian names for recruiting unless they are attached to a company I am familiar with and consider a good company.

              That’s got nothing to do with any beliefs about their race and everything to do with believing that companies seeking to abuse me have a pattern of hiring Indians.

              All that said, you mentioned you are Indian. If you feel this is racist still, then I’m sorry because I really don’t intend that. I truly have no ill will to you, or any others of your race, but whether that’s perceived or not may be a failing on my part somehow whether through poor wording or not being able to see your point of view enough to satisfy you. So i am sorry if this sounded racist. I won’t qualify or equivocate anything further since I’ve endeavored to explain myself to the best of my ability.

              • @SirDerpy
                01 hour ago

                Even more white moderate bullshit.

                This is why nothing ever changes.

                • @JigglySackles
                  01 hour ago

                  I’m not moderate at all. I’m far left in most opinions. But if you want to be dismissive then w/e.

                  • @SirDerpy
                    059 minutes ago

                    Human psyche mandates we all believe we’re above average. Best of luck, white moderate.

            • bizarroland
              -44 hours ago

              I think this wouldn’t be a racism though. This would be prejudicialism.

              People with typically non-english sounding names have in the past called with job offers that have nothing to do with your skill set because they’re not paying attention to your actual resume. Because of those past actions you are preventing any future actions by default.

              It has nothing to do with their race, and everything to do with pattern recognition, which is prejudice.

              The worst possible outcome out of this are that the person doing it misses out on a great job opportunity.

              • @SirDerpy
                13 hours ago

                More white moderates. Sweet.