I did retirement home training and used to think it was a sweet job. Then I got in the business and underestimated how demoralizing it was as they give you the easy elders in training while the others make you, or at least me, really think of the fact the job just amounts to an unkarmic freebie.

    • Iron Lynx
      62 days ago

      I once saw a video report on bullshit jobs, where they also interviewed a researcher into how much value is gained or destroyed by various professions.

      They said that for every £1 (the researchers worked in the UK) given to marketing executives, that society suffered £11 in lost value.

    • @grue
      272 days ago

      This. “Marketing” is just a euphemism for “propaganda” – it is inherently manipulative and therefore evil.

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      That shit should be illegal, with, like, a living whitelist so you can still put out a sandwich board in front of your restaurant.

      Yes, I know that will implode entire sectors. They deserve it.

      • Iron Lynx
        72 days ago

        There’s a city in France - Toulouse, IIRC - where the mayor ran on a promise that “if you elect me, I’ll remove all the billboards.” Turns out that was really popular, so now that city does not have any billboards.

        • @[email protected]
          313 hours ago

          I cannot for the life of me understand why billboards are legal in general. We’ve gone through the effort of banning distractions like even touching your phone while you’re driving, which makes sense, but yet these massive advertisements who’s literal sole intention and purpose is to get you to look at it instead of the road exist and are everywhere. They’re also complete eyesores. Why?! It surprises me there hasn’t been more campaigns like that, I can’t imagine billboards are exactly a popular idea

        • @[email protected]
          22 days ago


          There’s a good next pet issue for me once over-restrictive zoning is gone and dead. I guess public transit is a perennial bee to put in my bonnet, too.

    • @[email protected]
      62 days ago

      Mad Men was hard for me to keep up with because I just hated everyone and it made me angry