I did retirement home training and used to think it was a sweet job. Then I got in the business and underestimated how demoralizing it was as they give you the easy elders in training while the others make you, or at least me, really think of the fact the job just amounts to an unkarmic freebie.

  • @[email protected]
    1915 hours ago


    Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there’s folks doing sane, evidence-based care in this area. But I’ve seen so much bullshit from practitioners, ranging from the grossly unethical to the blatantly dangerous, that I find them hard to trust about anything as a group.

    Besides, we already have health professionals that can provide good, evidence-based care (issues like ego v. evidence/new findings to improve care notwithstanding - but there’s crappy people in all fields) - we call them doctors and nurse practitioners. And we need more of those.

    • @sudo42
      11 hour ago

      Local natural food store sells Homeopathic medicines. We’re talking water selling at the same price as ink jet printer ink.

  • @[email protected]
    2519 hours ago

    I’m not sure I do, but one thing I haven’t seen mentioned here yet is consumer psychologists. I once read an argument that they could be improving people’s mental health, instead they are working on manipulating people into buying more.

  • @maniii
    1419 hours ago

    Any sanitation worker, sewage diver, drain block remover, in most of the third-world countries.

    We need city drainages to be repaired, cleaned, maintained, and managed with draconian safety, extremely well-compensated, hazardpay up the wazoo workers comp and complete-healthcare all covered for life. So many workers are just abused for the lifeline work that keep a city’s arteries from getting clogged and flowing smoothly.

    I saw how Korean drain-workers do it with high-pressure water jets and incredible efficiency and knowhow talent of their vital job. I wish we didnt have the corruption that prevents this type of training, trained worker, worker pride in the essential labour that they do.

    Same goes for recycling and reducing waste. We humans don’t do nearly enough and the Top-20 major corporations that cause 80% of worldwide pollutants go unchecked and unpunished.

  • @[email protected]
    1191 day ago

    Private equity/venture capitalists - they acquire unique brands and then extract all the value and enshitify them into the ground

    • @[email protected]
      321 day ago

      One of the reasons Boeing sucks is this. First reason is McDonnell Douglas bought Boeing with Boeings money, hallowed out the soul that built the world’s greatest aircraft, then sold what was left off to the big investment funds. Then the investment funds were like “look at all this money Boeing is spending on safety and suppliers” so they cut out the safety and bought out the suppliers. The horror stories of quality control at some of the suppliers is just as bad if not worse than some of the horror stories of quality control at Boeing. What if I told you Boeing fought to have ECS (environmental control systems) software that was written by third world “programmers” that didn’t speak English to remain on their aircraft illegally, claiming it didn’t pose a threat to safety, you know those systems that determine if there is enough oxygen to breath at altitude and whether the temperature inside the plane is survivable…

    • @SirDerpy
      121 day ago

      Capital is dead labour, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.

  • @[email protected]
    551 day ago

    Literally anyone who works in health insurance.

    Currently work in biotech, and have worked in medtech; I have had to integrate systems with insurers (payors is the industry term). I know exactly how fucked it is on a statistical level.

    • @linearchaos
      1 day ago

      I used to work for an insurer. Our entire health system is just a steaming pile of crap. Providers will double or triple bill. Hospitals raise their rates through the absolute roof so they have room for negotiations. The uninsured people more often than not get billed at the unnegotiated rate which is many times what it should be. If the insurers are short on money or profit margins are down and their stockholders are angry they end up turning down shitloads of procedures looking at the statistics for what’s least likely to cause lawsuits and death. Medicare requires you to go and recertify every patient every year, Mr Johnson’s an amputee, well you better get him back in to make sure he still is or you’re not going to pay for DME. Half the big insurers are still running on Big iron of one form or another, FTP over SSL coming hot off of mainframe.

      It’s not a good look.

    • @thesporkeffect
      1222 hours ago

      Landlord isn’t an occupation, any more than ‘white collar criminal’

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      There’s another comment that mentioned a landlord that was published exactly 30 seconds before yours. :P



      (Please keep in mind that I’m just teasing you. Obviously, there’s no way you could have known.)

    • @[email protected]
      -422 hours ago

      I’m staying in a city temporarily for about 6 months, whers would I live if I couldn’t rent?

      • @SmilingSolaris
        820 hours ago

        The lack of a land lord does not mean the house disappeared off the planet.

        • @[email protected]
          -211 hours ago

          Yes but I’m not going to buy a house for 6 months just to sell it, it’s not very feasible.

          • @SmilingSolaris
            310 hours ago

            The lack of a landlord also does not prevent you from temporarily using open housing either.

              • @SmilingSolaris
                33 hours ago

                Imagine a world where housing was given on a per-need basis. People still need to travel for work and stay for months at a time, except it’s understood that the job getting done is more important than a landlord profiting off the fact you have to travel for it.

      • @thesporkeffect
        422 hours ago

        Hotels used to be the standard temporary housing.

        • @finitebanjo
          21 hours ago

          So basically only rich should be allowed to do extended travel? Since the supply of hotels would stay the same if rental homes weren’t allowed, hotel rates wouldn’t go down.

  • @[email protected]
    720 hours ago

    Off-topic: Lemmy really needs better crosspost functionality.

    Lemmy is a small group of people, let’s not divide it further by having the exact same conversation in two (or more) places.

    • @[email protected]
      19 hours ago

      no, it’s a feature, not a bug, that we can have more than one community for discussing the same topic here; makes it harder to censor

      • Iron Lynx
        14 hours ago

        Especially given that the above link points to lemmy.ml, an instance notorious for harbouring tankies & amplifying pro-authoritarian talking points.

        The link is .ml but points to a thread in .world. My bad 😅

        • @[email protected]
          114 hours ago

          no, we are posting to a community on lemmy.ml here, that link points to a community hosted on lemmy.world (as displayed on lemmy.ml)

          idc because neither of those is my instance, I subscribe to communities regardless of what instance they’re hosted on

          • Iron Lynx
            014 hours ago

            Confusing… My instance is .world, and I similarly subscribe to communities regardless of instance. So seeing a .ml link had me go 🚨 tankie instance for a second, conveniently failing to notice that A: that post is in .world, but seem from .ml; and B: this post is in .ml.

            My bad 😅

            Though I would suggest OP to see if they can fix the link to one that changes the specific link based on the visitor’s instance

    • @Stupidmanager
      24 hours ago

      This needs higher up. Lobbyists are a cancer

    • @[email protected]
      1 day ago

      How much do you hate them?

      Name a number!

      How about if I drop that hatred by 22% with a 2.1% financing? And throw in a free coupon to Chili’s if you verify within the next 45 minutes! Hurry act now we’re running low on coupons. And you don’t want to go home empty handed, do you?