A district judge in Wisconsin has sided with an 11-year-old trans girl over her use of the girls’ toilets and temporarily blocked school officials from preventing her access.

    • @lingh0e
      1391 year ago

      and even though he’s my friend and I’m the first person he came out to it still feels weird when he walks into the bathroom with me.

      That’s a you problem, and it’s up to you to get over.

        • @echo64
          481 year ago

          The majority of people think your transphobia is disgusting and not something we want perpetuated. It’s a myth to think your way of thinking is anything normal. Most people don’t think about other people’s genitals as much as you do. We just go pee and never give other people any thought.

          Please change your path before you’re too far gone.

            • @[email protected]
              461 year ago

              If this was the 1950s you would be saying " I don’t hate black people, I just don’t think anyone should be forced to be uncomfortable because of them." with regards to sharing a water fountain or a lunch counter. That’s all I can think of when I read your message. Your a bigot, plain and simple

            • DarkThoughts
              1 year ago

              Should we make separate bathrooms for non white people too? Maybe we should have different seats in public transport too.

                • sharpiemarker
                  231 year ago

                  They’re not proposing that seriously. It’s a thought exercise to get the other user to consider how discriminatory they’re being agaist people who “aren’t like them.”

                  • @[email protected]
                    31 year ago

                    I agree, but to me, the username really matched, that’s quite a dark thought.

                    Looks like my humor whiffed this time.

            • @icky_mess
              1 year ago

              You’re making people uncomfortable, you tiresome little shit stain. Fuck off to your own space.

            • @[email protected]
              341 year ago

              I don’t hate trans people, I just don’t think anyone should be forced to be uncomfortable because of them.

              You’re scratching your head at why people are mad at you, but it’s probably because you’re trying to find some compromise between being pro and anti trans - two diametrically opposed ideas. You’re point seems to boil down to: “I’m not transphobic, but trans people might make people uncomfortable, and we should also consider that.”. But, why should be? Trans people making you feel icky is a piss-poor reason to say they can’t use their preferred bathroom. People were concerned about Gay people and Black people in the same spaces as straight/white for a big chunk of the last century, it’s the same reactionary bullshit as always.

              • @TurboDiesel
                1 year ago

                I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a million times: your ick is your problem. (The general you) Just like one’s triggers are one’s own problem. No one gets to dictate how the rest of the world operates because something makes them feel grody or triggers them.

              • @dudebro
                -71 year ago

                What if a male isn’t trans but wants to use the women’s restroom?

                • @voidMainVoid
                  31 year ago

                  I don’t think they should be punished unless they’re being a pest.

                  How would you even enforce that? Are you going to have a bouncer at the door checking to see which genitals somebody has before they can enter the restroom?

                  • @dudebro
                    -41 year ago

                    It could sort of be enforced by assuming what sex people are.

                    The hypothetical male in question isn’t an exception to how most men look or behave.

            • @[email protected]
              191 year ago

              It’s just that there’s always something. Always someone inventing problems or trying to skirt any minor inconvenience, real or perceived, by sheer laziness.

              Yesterday it was masks and today it’s the fucking toilet, tomorrow what will it be? Handicapped ramps? I don’t think you hate trans people but you’re in that tiny minority of joyless ghouls that would rather piss off everybody than move a muscle to accommodate a need they don’t have.

              It’s shit attitude and when I read this kind of take I just think “how do these poor people even function at work if they can’t align on a simple thing like that”.

        • sharpiemarker
          401 year ago

          For someone with Uncle Iroh as your username, you sure aren’t as understanding as your namesake. I think you’re more like Zuko at the beginning of his journey; only thinking about himself and his needs.

          Imagine being so triggered by someone using a stall near you. As a man, I wouldn’t care if a woman came into the gents and used a stall. Why would I care? Anyone in the bathroom is there to do their business and get out, not to look at your little fella.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Isn’t this just an argument against your point of view? Most people I’ve ever talked to don’t care as long as the trans individual is minding their own business, why should the majority conform to a very small minority who is uncomfortable? Your argument is the same one made to support segregated bathrooms.

        • @galaxyawesome
          231 year ago

          All that’s being asked is that people mind their business in public restrooms. See someone who looks a little different? Cool, wash your hands and leave. If a trans person is being a creep in a bathroom, kick them out the same way you would kick out anyone else being a creep. The other 99.9% of the time, just mind your own business and let people pee and wash their hands in peace.

          • @dudebro
            -61 year ago

            Would you be okay with a man using the women’s bathroom if he isn’t trans?

            • @Ryumast3r
              31 year ago

              It’s not my job to do genital inspections at the door.

              Pooping is pooping. Idc of the person next to me is white, black, man, woman, child, or mysteriousblobofgreenoo. Just make sure to flush and wash your hands when you’re done.

              • @dudebro
                01 year ago

                So you would be okay with a man using the women’s bathroom even if he isn’t trans.

        • dismalnow
          111 year ago

          Alright, you lost me.

          You don’t have to conform. You have to learn that it makes no difference at all.

    • @icky_mess
      621 year ago

      Shame you’re besmirching the name of Uncle Iroh. He would calmly pour some tea and tell you, “How odd, in that situation, that it is you who needs to grow a pair.”

    • effingjoe
      601 year ago

      I don’t see any detriment to giving trans people their own space where they can be comfortable and let everyone else be comfortable too

      I am confident you don’t realize the full implications of what you’re saying, so please don’t take this as an attack, but would you also support “black only” restrooms for this exact same reason? If not, why not?

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Why do either matter in the bathroom? How does the sex of someone else change how you pee or poop?

          There are already laws in place to prevent people from harassing others in the bathroom, regardless of sex. I just don’t understand. There are SO many contradictions in the belief that banning trans people from the bathroom of their choosing is even worth discussion.

          Are you worried about girls and women being uncomfortable in the bathroom around someone who looks like a guy? Ok, so if a ban is in place, they now have to share the bathroom with trans men who look a hell of a lot more like a guy than a trans woman.

          Is it about preventing people who may be attracted to others from sharing space in the bathroom? First, gross, it’s a bathroom; only pervs go looking for any kind of sexual gratification there (and again, there’s already laws that cover this). Second, gay people exist, so it’s kind of a moot point to ban trans people.

          It just seems like any concern used to justify a trans bathroom ban would still exist even if a ban was in place. I mean, unless of course the only concern is “trans people have too many rights in our society” in which case, kindly, fuck right off.

          • effingjoe
            1 year ago

            and it’s worth mentioning that there is no genital check before entering a bathroom. An “anti-trans bathroom” law would likely also get wielded against masculine women and effeminate men who are not transgender.

            None of it makes any sense when you take 30 seconds to consider it.

            • @[email protected]
              271 year ago

              The gender non conforming cis people who also face assault and harassment from transphobes are intended casualties.

              A huge part of the transphobic movement is extremely misogynistic, and believe that deviating from gender roles should be punished and discouraged.

            • @TurboDiesel
              251 year ago

              get wielded against masculine women and effeminate men

              Which has already happened at least twice that I’ve seen reports of. Though I suspect that’s the point.

          • @[email protected]
            141 year ago

            Yeah, laws already cover all the bases. Thats why I think the entire idea of not letting trans people use their bathroom of choice is derogatory.

        • @[email protected]
          181 year ago

          it still feels weird when he walks into the bathroom with me

          Are they? What if someone still feels weird when a Black person walks into the bathroom with them? Should we take that person’s feeling into account and simply give Black people their own space where they can be comfortable and let everyone else be comfortable too?

          If no: why not?

    • @pandacoder
      411 year ago

      I think the point is that the kids don’t care and the only people complaining are the adults who don’t feel completely comfortable.

      • @Jeremyward
        281 year ago

        I have a friend who’s son is transitioning, not a single of the kids at his school give a single shit. Even more so they say things to their parents like, “how can you be so binary” and such like. The kids don’t care it’s the parents who are uncomfortable and projecting it unto the kids.

      • DarkThoughts
        101 year ago

        Bullies would. But not so much because they’re transphobic, but because they just look for anything that could be a soft spot to abuse.

    • @[email protected]
      301 year ago

      You don’t see a problem with needing to build a 3rd bathroom in every place that only has 2 bathrooms, and would single out those who use it as an “other” to anyone seeing them use it?

      • Pixlbabble
        01 year ago

        Build a 3rd bathroom is still a hilarious take to me. No the solve is Female only and Unisex. That way you don’t need to build anything.

    • Zorque
      301 year ago

      You know what happens when I’m uncomfortable about something? I try and look at why. If I feel that the reasons are because of my own personal insecurities and triggers, I try and deconstruct them and find reasons and solutions to them. What I don’t do is project those insecurities on others, and force them to conform to my point of view.

    • @[email protected]
      251 year ago

      and even though he’s my friend and I’m the first person he came out to it still feels weird when he walks into the bathroom with me.

      Why? What kind of “weird”?

      • @[email protected]
        231 year ago

        Fr 💀 does he think his friend is going to sexually assault him? His mindset proves he has a huge lack of respect for his friend.

        • @[email protected]
          201 year ago

          I wonder if his friend knows how he feels. I feel bad for him. Imagine the first person you’re comfortable opening up to feeling this way.

          • @BURN
            1 year ago

            I bet his friend doesn’t exist

            It sounds suspiciously like “I have a black friend” and that black friend is a white guy who did blackface once

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      Stop looking at your friends genitals in the bathroom. Problem solved. Fuck your comfort, no one cares about your feelings. Let people use the bathroom for fucks sake.

    • VenoraTheBarbarian
      81 year ago

      I don’t see any detriment to giving trans people their own space where they can be comfortable and let everyone else be comfortable too.

      They don’t want to feel different and “other” though, which a separate bathroom would absolutely do. The kids don’t care, the kids don’t have your old school hangups. So let’s not breed new hangups, let’s let the old ones die.

      As to sports, we get to decide how things are organized. Sports rules aren’t handed down from on high. We can change the sorting of genders to make it fair and inclusive. We can experiment with different ways of sorting until we find that correct balance. We don’t have to cling to the old ways just because it’s what we’re uses to.