To the great smelly cop car you go!> [Judge Kenneth] King got in trouble for singling out a 15-year-old girl for falling asleep and having what he considered to be a bad attitude while she was visiting his courtroom with other teens.

  • @stoly
    175 months ago

    What he’s lost is reputational. He’s been publicly humiliated in front of the entire community and every person who appears in front of him knows what a sack of shit he is before any proceedings begin. He will never move into a higher position and will languish in traffic court until he quits and takes on a lawyer position somewhere.

    • @Buffalox
      5 months ago

      What he’s lost is reputational.

      Oh no the poor soul, he lost reputation for behaving like an insane out of line asshole, using power beyond his position to utterly humiliate another person in front of her peers.
      Notice what he did was actually a violent physical and mental assault, exposed for all her class to see.
      That judge should be in prison for abuse and assault.

      He will never move into a higher position and will languish in traffic court

      He will still be highly paid and have the prestige of being a judge. Very possibly in a few years, this will be considered time served, and he will be moved up again.

      • @stoly
        5 months ago

        I mean the fix is to vote. If you want justice then we need better leaders. Until then, it’s bullshit all the down. Especially in the South and Midwest.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Oh you sweet summer child. I know of a certain orange despot that would gladly reward this behaviour.