Disclaimer: this is purposefully obtuse.

Other effects in the game which explicitly state they kill you:

Shadows, succubi, massive damage, death saving throws, beholder death ray (notably not even their disintegration ray kills you), power word kill, vampires, mind flayers, night hags, drow inquisitors.

Clearly, if they intended for disintegration to kill you, they’d have said so. Since specific overrides general, and there is no general rule that disintegrated creatures are dead, I rest my case. QED.

  • @MimicJar
    405 months ago

    The spell specifies you turn into gray dust. Unfortunately gray dust has no listed stat block.

    Luckily it is mentioned in “Tales from the Yawning Portal”, “The floor of this room is covered with a layer of fine gray dust and ash, three inches deep.”

    Based on the rest of the description you are restricted to the room in which you turned to dust and the only action you may take is casting " Minor Illusion", with the added restriction of all illusions must be humanoid.

    • @[email protected]OP
      165 months ago

      Nothing about the Disintegration spell says that your stats change. Compare to spells that do, such as Polymorph, or True Polymorph which even covers changing a creature into an object.

      • @MimicJar
        225 months ago

        I’m not changing your stats, you still have a 14 wisdom.

        You are however definitely turned into gray dust and I’m applying the rules as written about gray dust. The gray dust is restricted to the current room and can only form the shapes of various humanoids.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      That’s probably the path I’d take as a DM if I had a player insisting on rules lawyering like OP. OK, you get to “play” as a pile of dust. Have fun sitting there until random wind currents blow you around.

      • @[email protected]OP
        425 months ago

        Crappy party mates you have if they won’t even scoop you up into a bag and carry you around.

        • Match!!
          245 months ago

          buddy let’s start a campaign together you can be the pocket sand and i will be dale gribble

        • @[email protected]
          55 months ago

          If a guy is doing what you’re doing in this thread at the table, then yeah, I’d support them in leaving you there.

          • @[email protected]OP
            115 months ago

            Doing what? Trying to play by the rules? It’s a game! Games have rules. If you can’t accept someone living out their pile of dust fantasy, which is clearly supported by the rules, then I think you need to take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself who hurt you.

            • @[email protected]
              95 months ago

              You are 100% free to live out your pile of dust fantasy. I let you be a pile of dust. Isn’t that what you wanted?

      • @[email protected]
        85 months ago

        *ahem Subtle Spell has entered the chat. Cast any spell that doesn’t require a line of sight target and that doesn’t require material components or otherwise rely on an “attack” or similar action. Like say Guardian Of Nature. Or, if you want to get REALLY pedantic: Dimension Door.

    • Match!!
      85 months ago

      if you get cast in cement and become at least 6 inches of stone your DR goes up to fucking 50 or something

    • @thelasttoot
      45 months ago

      Disintegrate also specifies the creature can only be brought back to life with a true resurrection or wish spell. Which most certainly means it is indeed dead, otherwise, why mention bringing it back to life?