    55 months ago

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding the post. I was under the impression that they are talking about intros/ads to other shows on the same service.

    Example: I start a brand new show and I’m immediately hit with an ad for another show on the same service, before I can watch the show I actually selected.

    • @BassTurd
      285 months ago

      Are you taking about previews? Yes, those are ads. The intro to a show that is the same every episode, those aren’t ads, but are skipable.

      • QLYA
        75 months ago

        Yes, the previews. Sorry, I misread.

    • @lunarul
      95 months ago

      The intro is the opening sequence of the show. People usually watch that on the first episode, but if you’re binge-watching a show you don’t want to keep seeing the intro over and over again for each episode.