Wow, this is awful. Some people reported that these ads are also very petty and not necessarily related to the game, like apparently Elden Ring shows an ad for a licensed mousepad when you hover over the game now…

  • @grue
    53 hours ago

    I didn’t know this was something I agreed to when I bought my console.

    That’s 'cause it wasn’t! Sony is “exceeding authorized access” – a felony under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act – but won’t be prosecuted for $ome rea$on.

    • @acosmichippo
      83 hours ago

      i guarantee you in the fine print they say they have the right to change anything they want any time.

      • @grue
        43 hours ago

        “By loading this comment, you agree to give @[email protected] one million US dollars, payable in full within one week.”

        See? Anybody can make up unconscionable bullshit. The extent to which Sony’s terms are enforced is only a measure of how many corrupt judges need to be gotten rid of.

        Now, pay up!