• @FourPacketsOfPeanuts
      3 months ago

      I say this as a disinterested third party, but Mormonisms founders seemed way more about girls, cash and militaristic loyalty than Jesus of Nazareth… I’d have to say they’re far worse in that sense. (Which isn’t at all a comment on what the church later became, this is just an observation about beginnings)

      • @JigglySackles
        13 months ago

        Lots of modern sects are solely created for the money. LifeChurch is a huge example of this. That place is a cash cow. Any TV evangelist sect is a money printer. And if we go pre protestantism, the catholic church had the world fucked up for a long time. So short of a few protestant sects that started with better intentions, most Christianity to me isn’t much better or worse than each other. They all seem to breed intolerant people. Not that that aren’t good people in them, because there are lots of genuinely good people in them, same as outaide of them. But there are some incredibly hateful people coming out of it thinking because they chose that religion, the rest of us have to follow it. Also TBF, some sects do a lot of humanitarian work, mormons actually do quite a bit of humanitarian stuff, especially for their own members.

    • FlaxOP
      -15 months ago

      huh? Are you trying to claim that Christian scriptures are the same? Jesus didn’t claim to have prophecies conveniently forgotten, expired unfulfilled prophecies, a mistranslated manuscript or golden plates that conveniently disappeared.

      • @Alexstarfire
        5 months ago

        Not the same, but just as bad in other ways. Also, pretty easy to have fulfilled prophecies when they are written down ex post facto.

        EDIT: Wait, I forgot about rapture. Pretty sure we’re still waiting on that one. Doesn’t really have an expiration though. So, kinda meaningless.

        • FlaxOP
          5 months ago

          What do you mean by ex post facto?

          We literally have surviving copies of prophecies about Jesus that predate AD 0

          If the rapture happened we wouldn’t already be here having this discussion ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯