• @[email protected]
    675 months ago

    Maybe I’m just biased as a millennial, but Scene was definitely a way cooler vibe overall than whatever it is zoomers and alphas are doing.

    And no why would me having a crush on every scene girl in my highschool affect my opinion on this dont be silly.

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      Currently, Zoomers and Gen Alpha are really into Y2K. So give it a couple of years, and Scene and Emo will be back in fashion and this will be considered peak cool parents photos.

        • @[email protected]
          105 months ago

          I wish. It kinda falls into like some kind of Bratz-core or something, in my opinion. There’s a handful of outfits I see that wouldn’t have looked out place in a high school in 2000, but a lot of it feels like Temu ripping off Hot Topic vibes. A lot of jeans that wish they were JNCOs, some cargo pants, plenty of crop tops, and zip-up hoodies. The closest I could find to Matrix anything in a quick search were a couple of outfits that wouldn’t look out of place at an MCR concert.

          This is labeled as “Y2K Grunge”:

          • @[email protected]
            95 months ago

            Bottom style just looks like “girl grunge”.
            Basically most of those wouldn’t be out of place in highschool in the 90s/2000s I guess.

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              Yeah, the weird part for me is that some of these are like “celebrity fits,” so it’s like teenagers to mid-20s adults wearing what the fashion industry thinks 90s - 2000s high school kids wore, as high fashion. Like if people started doing photo shoots and runway walks in skateboard kid outfits. It feels as incongruent as when companies sell ripped t-shirts for $2,000.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                True. Especially for the first and third pics. The other ones are more realistic.

                I think all the pics might be ads for tweens though.

          • @[email protected]
            75 months ago

            Who doesn’t enjoy a nice pair of flares/jeans with the bottom all frayed where you’ve walked on it, and wet up to your knees because that’s the reality of weather.

          • @theangryseal
            45 months ago

            Ooooh. I knew a y2k grunge girl in the early 2000s. My sister.

    • @theangryseal
      135 months ago

      Zoomers are dressing like our moms with the belly jeans and that rapey step uncle with the dirty stache that kids were told to avoid when they were doing the mathathon or selling candy bars.

      I mean, we had websites dedicated to making fun of mullets and these kids are sporting them unironically.

      I seriously didn’t believe the mullet could make a comeback once it became associated with incest, rebel flags, and gritty trailer parks.

      What do I know though? I’ve honestly never had any style at all. :p

      • @Sylvartas
        115 months ago

        Dude I’m losing my fucking mind over the zoomer mustaches/mullets. When I was a kid, even boomers wouldn’t be caught dead with that style

        • @theangryseal
          5 months ago

          I knew two people brave enough to rock a mullet. One was the dude I described above, the other was a terribly slow but incredibly sweet fella I worked with at a call center in my early 20s. He got picked on until he cut it. (Oddly enough my autocorrect corrected “picked on” to his last name which was eerie as shit because it isn’t a common name and I haven’t said it in years. Damn! How bizarre!). After he cut I’d sing to him, “gimme back my mullet! picka dernernt, bweeoo Put it back where it belong!”


    • @[email protected]
      95 months ago

      Yeah this is definitively just the same old “what we did as kids was cool but what the kids do now is not”

      • @theangryseal
        65 months ago

        I did not think the mullet was rad when my dad had it, and I don’t think the mullet is rad now.

        Only one person wore it well and that was David Bowie.

      • @Buddahriffic
        55 months ago

        Yeah, I agree. We knew what cool was but kids seem to have lost it somewhere along the way. Though not really same old, older generations were also weird.

        Man I feel lucky to have grown up in the brief period where kids were cool, what are the odds?