• Fiona
    65 months ago

    No it’s more likely that they are an actual leftist. China and Ruzzia are (and the SU was!) fascist hellholes that have nothing to do with socialism and/or communism besides screaming it of the windows all the time.

    And people who delude themselves to believe something else are really annoying…

    • WillStealYourUsername
      15 months ago

      I agree in spirit! However the soviet union was neither capitalist nor communist, and fascism is a form of capitalism which means the soviet union wasn’t fascist, but rather something else entirely.

      • Fiona
        15 months ago

        I’m willing to agree partially: AFAIK the usual classification of the economic system of the SU is “state capitalism” which is indeed distinct from capitalism and socialism and I’m even willing to grant it that, if well executed (in the SU it mostly wasn’t) it has the potential to be better than capitalism in a few aspects.

        That said, I agree about the notion that fascism is a form of capitalism: The two are often associated with each other, but at the end of the day quite distinct and orthogoanl systems. Fascism is about having a powerful leader who oppresses the population and the SU very much had that in an almost textbook-manner with Stalin, though I will also acknowledge that there were of course detals in hwo it differed from say Naziism in Germany at the same time.

        • WillStealYourUsername
          65 months ago

          Fascism is by definition a form of capitalism :P As defined by Mussolini back then and by political scientists today. It’s not just about dictatorship, but about the relationship between private businesses and the state.