• @Letme
    12 days ago

    I agree with you, but hate how we refer to democrats as “the left”. Democrats are “the center”, MAGA’ts are the extreme Christo-fascist right. We have no left, and the Republican party is all but extinct.

    • @Eldritch
      102 days ago

      Democrats are not a monolith. There are highly right wing wealthy democrats. And then there are Centrist to socialist Democrats Like Bernie Sanders etc. The Democrats are a coalition party. And unfortunately the only realistic party the left has at the national level due to the way the system works. So whether or not you like it you need to get used to acknowledging it. Not doing so is What’s led to a lot of the division we’re dealing with now.

      Especially right now. A large chunk of Democratic Leadership is aging out or close to. A significant focused push could see a much more left-leaning Democratic Party. Maybe even someday a possible speaker Ocassio-Cortez. Parties, their make up, and their policy changes generationally. All we have to do is engaged with the system. Stop fighting for scraps on the side.

      • @Letme
        113 hours ago

        Not sure if that’s a good thing. The Democrat party is barely strong enough to defeat the GOP even with their extreme right rhetoric and actions. The extreme left is dragging the democrats down. Time will tell, but I would rather see the democrats pick up the “real” Republicans, and put the final nail in the coffin of the GOP. To do that they might need to shed the extreme left.

        • @Eldritch
          211 hours ago

          That’s because they’re both a coalition, and their voters expect improvement. Often unrealistically from them. To the point that they let unobtainable perfection get in the way of whats achievable.

          Whereas Republicans/conservatives are fickle. Driven by their fears. They don’t expect or care about improvement. Just that “others” are hurt worse than them. The GOP itself found out the hard way that it isn’t really power. Someone always eventually comes along with equally empty promises and rhetoric but simply a more extreme tone. To steal their sheep away. All that borrowed and abused power evaporating completely. Because it was never theirs.