• @linearchaos
    1065 months ago

    Floods like this happen all the time

    And if they don’t it’s still a very natural thing to happen

    And if it’s not, it’s a cycle and it’s been the same since historic times

    And if it’s not then you shouldn’t build near water

    • Tanis Nikana
      205 months ago

      And if you didn’t build near water, yeah you did.

    • Track_ShovelM
      195 months ago

      Lol: someone reported this comment as ‘criminally wrong’ because they didn’t get your sarcasm

      • @linearchaos
        5 months ago

        Damn the one time I don’t put a /s

        I honestly didn’t expect anyone not to get it, that’ll show me.

        Just to help for anyone else wondering it’s a modified version of the narcissist’s prayer.

        • @BeMoreCareful
          75 months ago

          I guess it’s close enough to some folks viewpoints to hit a nerve.

          I’ve had some conversations that make me want to time travel to prevent the conversation from happening.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Ashville NC which is kinda the epicenter of where the worst of the reporting is coming out of is 250 miles from the coast and located in the mountains. This isn’t just “yeah you built in Florida you signed up for extreme weather events” this is “the fucking Appalachian mountains flooded!” This should be the wakeup call the climate change is coming for everyone and will make more extreme weather events for everyone

    • @dubious
      65 months ago

      i see the sarcasm, but now for a real question:

      we are already seeing the things they warned us about years ago happening now. further unrealized warnings call for large habitat destruction. we could see large extinction events. the same people that bury their heads in the sand are the ones who stand in the way of legislating solutions to mitigate this. entire species of animals that are completely innocent could die because these ignorant people will block solutions. what do we do?

      • @linearchaos
        65 months ago

        Vote for who you can. Push to remove first past the post. Then vote for your best option.

        Fund/work protests. Sadly there is little you can do alone to make a difference

        • @dubious
          25 months ago

          what if we all banded together for one action?

          • @linearchaos
            15 months ago

            There have been plenty of protests over time but never anything big enough to make anyone in the government worry whatsoever. They’re not going to act until they’re afraid for their jobs.

            • @dubious
              15 months ago

              how many does that take?

              • @linearchaos
                15 months ago

                Not sure, did you catch the footage of the massive Hong Kong protests?

                They are not really considered successful.

                • @dubious
                  15 months ago

                  yeah, that’s kinda my point. I don’t think protests mean shit any more. I think that’s a 20th century relic at this point. I wish someone would prove me wrong. I’m kinda being drawn to a single conclusion and I don’t see anybody else promoting any better ideas.

                  • @linearchaos
                    15 months ago

                    The deck is definitely stacked against us for making any change.

      • @Maggoty
        15 months ago

        Yup and this stuff was supposed to be 30 years in the future.

    • @Crampon
      65 months ago

      For real though.

      If you settle in an area famous for being a flood plain, you can’t be mad about it when the plain floods.

      Germany are now doing experiments with controlled flooding of old flood plains to channel water away from too narrow man made canals. The flooding also kills invasive plants as they were only allowed to grow because of the geological changed forced upon the land.

      interesting watch on the topic.

      Lar summer in Norway we had a flood matching the regular high points. Only issue was that the last high point was almost 100 years ago. So people stopped caring and the areas close to the river was regulated as river front houses.

      Climate change is an issue. But people being dumb as fuck is an even greater one.

      • @linearchaos
        65 months ago

        They got 36cm of rain in short order. Places that aren’t in the 100-year flood plan still got drowned.

        The area is primarily rolling hills. So every time it flattens out just a little bit every tiny creek just overflowed.

        A couple hundred miles inland you can’t just expect everyone to build only on the top of the highest location.

        This is deep in climate change denier country. I suspect we’re about to get some climate change converts, after it’s way too late.

        • @Crampon
          35 months ago

          I’m not claiming to know anything about this specific flood. Sure might be sick idk.

          But there’s a huge amount of crisis’ that got greater because of how we built, not what happened.

          Take the flood in Pakistan last year. The same flood happening 50 years ago in the same area wouldn’t be such a catastrophe. What caused it to be so severe was the amount of people who had settled in a valley which is carved out by smelting water from glaciers. Building smarter is the most rational solution for short term gains. Stabilizing the climate is a much greater endeavour, and might be impossible short term.

          • @linearchaos
            35 months ago

            Yeah, that’s fair. For the most part in the US insurance companies charge you based on the 100-year flood plan for a given area. A place is in danger of flooding They charge you a significant amount of money for your home insurance which is required to get a loan for a home.

            With the escalating climate issues however, I suspect a lot of those insurance rates are under covered.

    • @Maggoty
      45 months ago

      Fuck you had me at the beginning. I had that onion halfway in my mouth.