
  • peopleproblems
    192 hours ago

    I don’t fucking get the right.

    “Evolution is evil it says we’re monkeys!”

    “Genetics means we can have better blood lines!”

    • @[email protected]
      122 hours ago

      They don’t actually understand any of those things. They just think white skin, blue eyes and blond hair equals Uber mensch and thus the divine right to rule the world. And just like the Nazis, the fact that most of them don’t actually conform to the qualifications they dream up is beyond them. That’s why you see those pictures of Trump as a muscular Jesus, they are very detached from reality.

      • peopleproblems
        31 hour ago

        Right, but that’s the crazy part.

        In their mind I’m genetically superior, but only because of my appearance. Then if I come out and say “but I’m not genetically superior” they get pissed off because yes I am and I’m a traitor.

        How can they possibly be comfortable with stating one thing both is and is not good?

        • rustydomino
          41 hour ago

          Their goal is not to be logically consistent. Their goal is to make you subservient.

        • @[email protected]
          21 hour ago

          It’s funnier cause they claim blue eyes are superior when in most of the world it isn’t, especially when the world is heating up more and more and we have less ice and snow.

          • peopleproblems
            11 hour ago

            What do blue eyes have to do with less ice and snow?

            • @[email protected]
              1 hour ago

              It’s a thing that’s being studied but apparently it’s also true for reindeer which turn their eyes blue during the winter to help them see better in low light conditions and brown in the summer when there’s better lighting.