
  • @Letme
    1234 minutes ago

    Wow! The year is 2024, and the Republican candidate is running his platform on genetic cleansing. I did not-see this coming, who could have possibly predicted it?

    • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
      630 minutes ago

      We knew it. We said it. Its plain as day and the news media will ignore it. The pundits will walk it back. The public will defend it. And we will be Christo-fasicists.

      • @Letme
        225 minutes ago

        You mean White Nationalist Christo-fascists?

  • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
    1033 minutes ago

    It’s so sad so many will brush this off.

    I cant be more ashamed then I am of my fellow country men. I knew shit was wrong growing up. I did my best to stay out of their way but to see it so clearly in their politics I just can’t anymore. Americans are a ravenous people. We harbor them. We protect them. That is what we are.

    Eugenics getting freely discussed by a presidential candidate. Shame on me. Shame on all of us.

  • peopleproblems
    320 minutes ago

    I don’t fucking get the right.

    “Evolution is evil it says we’re monkeys!”

    “Genetics means we can have better blood lines!”

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    5 hours ago

    “Many of them murdered far more than one person,” Trump declared. “A murderer, I believe this, it’s in their genes. And we got a lot of bad genes in our country right now.”

    And he will still be normalized as a presidential candidate by this evenings news and by the country on election day.

    I guess it’s that time of day to come to grips that the USA is ok with this.

    • @[email protected]
      750 minutes ago

      NYT tomorrow: “Harris under fire for [placeholder] after controversial Trump radio interview”

    • @bitjunkie
      225 minutes ago

      The majority of us most certainly are NOT; the sane ones are just underrepresented in our archaic voting system.

    • Atelopus-zeteki
      835 hours ago

      FYI, I’m not ok with this. Tho’ I’m glad he’s saying the ‘quiet part out loud’, so that there can be no question on the importance of voting him and the rest of the GOP down in this election.

      • @Draces
        843 minutes ago

        I would have agreed with you in 2016 but if the last 8 years has shown me anything it’s that Trump is normalizing the worst of people. He keeps saying the quiet part out loud till the right is screaming it

    • @[email protected]
      525 hours ago

      I guess it’s that time of day to come to grips that the USA is ok with this.

      A relatively small subset of people are okay with this as long as it continues to keep them in power and make them rich, another small subset of people are okay with this as long as it continues to be targeted exclusively at people they don’t like, and a relatively large subset of people are victims of propaganda and media saturation. Let’s put the blame where it belongs.

      • Cyborganism
        194 hours ago

        I don’t know if it’s a relatively small subset when there’s a fair chance he might be elected if people don’t go vote, or vote for a third party candidate.

        • @Wilzax
          124 hours ago

          Most of the people who vote for him will never be informed about the most appalling and repulsive things he says, because all their news comes filtered through media streams that are designed to prop up the conservative candidate, no matter who, and to discredit the facts that makes that candidate look bad.

          But even if everyone who voted for him knew he said these things, they would still be the minority of Americans, because he lost the popular vote in 2016.

          • Cyborganism
            53 hours ago

            I’m not surprised. That’s how one of my best friends became an Andrew Tate and conservative supporter. YouTube algorithms got to him with these videos of cherry picked clips with comments from other supporters and his cohort of fraudulent assholes.

          • Cyborganism
            13 hours ago

            I’m not surprised. That’s how one of my best friends became an Andrew Tate and conservative supporter. YouTube algorithms got to him with these videos of cherry picked clips with comments from other supporters and his cohort of fraudulent assholes.

        • @[email protected]
          54 hours ago

          That would be the large subset who are victims of propaganda. I refuse to believe that such a large percentage of the country would actually be as awful as they seem if it wasn’t for the propaganda machine doing its thing.

          • snooggums
            4 hours ago

            Lol, they buy into the propaganda because it aligns with their beliefs. They aren’t victims if blatant racist shit like this.

            Victims of the taxes too high propaganda, sure. But not this.

            • @[email protected]
              12 hours ago

              … unless you’re saying it’s in their genes to be racist, then something convinced them that racism is correct. And that thing is a mixture of parents’ teaching and propaganda. And the parents got it from propaganda and their parents, etc.

          • Cyborganism
            12 hours ago

            You’d be surprised how our system turns people into sociopaths. It enables them and even rewards them.

            Just look at the richest people in our society and how most of them have sociopathic tendencies. They lack empathy.

          • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
            33 hours ago

            Trump is currently controlling the largest cult outside of religion in the US. His core is going to take a long time to deprogram enough to return to society when he finally stops getting a platform to mobilize them all. Some of them were awful people before Trump, but so many everyday people got pulled into the cult through Fox or Facebook or Twitter and their conditioning keeps them loyal.

            I think contrary to at least some cult leaders, Trump has nothing but absolute disgust for his followers, and uses them solely to get him power and to grift so he can afford to keep the machine of hate going.

      • @krashmo
        44 hours ago

        You can talk about the reasons voters might be tricked, incentivized, propagandized, etc. into voting for Trump but at the end of the day they are making the decision to support this kind of thing of their own free will. Placing the blame somewhere else is easy. The hard part is coming to terms with the fact that the fundamental problem is not a shady group of billionaires gaming the system but rather a population too dumb and lazy to see those actions for what they are. That problem isn’t going away even if we get rid of all billionaires and enforce stricter truthfulness in broadcasting laws.

        I’m not denying it would get easier to manage if did those things but we have to recognize that the people you’re talking about are willing participants in this and not just victims being taken advantage of.

    • Cyborganism
      94 hours ago

      If they want to look for these “bad genes”, all the Republicans have to do is look in a mirror.

  • @SelfProgrammed
    204 hours ago

    Remember when the right said comparisons to Hitler were unfair or inaccurate?

  • OhStopYellingAtMe
    134 hours ago

    I can’t believe we’ve got a 50% chance that this racist motherfucker is going to be the next president.

  • Sheridan
    695 hours ago

    NYT: “Did Trump say immigrants have ‘bad genes’? MOSTLY FALSE. Trump was actually critiquing immigrants’ choice in denim jeans.”

  • @ccunning
    214 hours ago

    In case anyone isn’t getting it he’s calling for racial cleansing.

      • @ccunning
        63 hours ago

        I think it’s pretty plain to you and I, but I doubt the folks at your local GOP meeting are going to hear it that way.

        I think using the actual words could help.

        • @just_another_personOP
          43 hours ago

          Harris campaign needs to put this on blast. If the Latin voter segment is sliding as they say, then this should be a wakeup call.

  • @_bcron_
    5 hours ago

    Weird for a man such as Trump to equate crime with bad genes. How many felonies does he have again? It’d be interesting to see how this guy would have turned out if he was born poor

    • @Wrench
      64 hours ago

      Well, his dad was a nazi too, so maybe he thinks it’s his genes that made him this way.

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      How many felonies does he have again?

      DrMoCrAt HoAx


      Stupid gif isn’t playing and my lunch is ending, just imagine her nodding repeatedly in agreement lol :(

    • @[email protected]
      75 hours ago

      Oh, I know. He must be talking about the bad genes of Elon Musk and the family history of labor abuse under apartheid and incest.

  • @[email protected]
    5 hours ago

    Damn, it sounds like he’s implying that we need to get rid of evangelical Christians - the largest crime committing block in America.

    (Obviously we shouldn’t get rid of any group based on such broad generalizations - he’s a fucking asshole).

    • @[email protected]
      44 hours ago

      evangelical Christians - the largest crime committing block in America

      Wow, really? Do you have a link?

      • @bassomitron
        54 hours ago

        I’m assuming they mean that Christians make up a huge percentage of the US, so therefore they probably make up a large percentage of criminals. I’d be interested if evangelical Christians now make up the majority of Christians.

  • @Subtracty
    195 hours ago

    Is history repeating itself this blatantly? And the people who are voting for him still believe they are morally correct.

    • Rhaedas
      64 hours ago

      The Greatest Generation is shaking their heads in sadness. Time to break out the unfortunately timeless short, Don't Be a Sucker.

    • @[email protected]
      65 hours ago

      Nazis believed they were morally correct too. When a person believes firmly in their own moral correctness, it’s a red flag.

  • @LouNeko
    -21 hour ago

    Something I’ve noticed more and more is how prevalent killing, murder and death is in Hollywood produced media. The vast majority of popular movies and series either start, involve or end with somebody being killed. And its almost laughable how high the disregard of human life is portrayed to the masses. Look at any other motion picture productions, say Korean, Indian, French, British, etc., even a single person dying in a story is seen as a very huge deal. Same thing goes for violence in general. Even if the character decides to take the high ground and not kill their nemesis, they still die in the end by other means.

    I think this image of death has led a lot of Americans to adapt the attitude of “It’s fine, as long it doesn’t happen to ME.”, which in return can be capitalized on by telling them “It’s fine we’re not talking about YOU but about a THEM.”. They’ve seen people die on a screen so many times that if it happens for real and is shown on the news, it is regarded as entertainment rather than a horrific tragedy.

    Seriously, in classical storytelling often times the whole story revolves around a single death. But in Hollywood the scenes often involve something along the lines of [good guy takes out a bunch of bad guys]. This could also be why US gun culture has gone absolutely insane over the last 30 years. They all want to be the cool action hero taking out the bad guys, but forget that their hero is a sociopathic murderer by all standards.

    • @[email protected]
      131 hour ago

      Have we looped back around to blaming media for violence again? This was disproven in the 70s with rock, the 80s with dungeons and dragons, the 90s with metal, and the 2000s with anything anti war or America. Can we stop trudging up this argument? Please?

      • @LouNeko
        021 minutes ago

        I’m not blaming media for violence. I’m blaming it for the desensitization towards violence. There’s a big difference. Its like the difference between somebody saying “I’ve seen somebody die before.” and “I’ve killed somebody before.”.

        • @[email protected]
          217 minutes ago

          Yeah, desensitizing people to violence is the original argument. It’s always “if they’re willing to shoot people in video games, why not real life!?” Crap.

          It’s been disproven so often that my shitty little uni assigned that research to first year psych students. It’s not a thing. Media is a reflection of society, not society itself. Violent societies like violent media. Violent media doesn’t create violent societies. Propaganda based media can, but no one’s committing murders cause they saw Knives Out or played COD 23