It’s a breadboard with an extender for a Raspberry Pi’s pins flipped upside down, a Raspberry Pi Pico, jumper wires, and a clip that came with a CH341A that suffers from the issue of being 5V.

The issue I think would be length of the wires.

Any thoughts? I’d consider soldering something together but I don’t have a soldering iron that would be great for something so small and I’m working with what I have on hand.

I also have a Raspberry Pi 4 and the CH341A that has the voltage issue if anyone has a better idea that might work.

    • CorrodedOP
      812 hours ago

      Correct but it can be used to flash Libreboot on devices like the ThinkPad I mentioned in the title.

      I’m asking if this configuration would be effective considering I’ve heard of people having issues with longer wires causing problems. Adding jumpers and a breadboard is just adding to that length.

      • CorrodedOP
        312 hours ago

        I think they were under the impression I want to install Libreboot on the Raspberry Pi. Maybe they didn’t get a good look at the photo or how it was cropped confused them