Excerpts w/emphasis added:

“Since we already encircled the northern part of Gaza in the past nine or 10 months, what we should do is the following thing to tell all the 300,000 residents [that the UN estimates is 400,000] who still live in the northern part of Gaza that they have to leave this area and they should be given 10 days to leave through safe corridors that Israel will provide.

“And after that time, all this area will become to be a military zone. And all the Hamas people will still, though, whether some of them are fighters, some of them are civilians… will have two choices either to surrender or to starve.”

Eiland wants Israel to seal the areas once the evacuation corridors are closed. Anyone left behind would be treated as an enemy combatant. The area would be under siege, with the army blocking all supplies of food, water or other necessities of life from going in.

It is not clear whether the IDF has adopted the Generals’ Plan in part or in full, but the circumstantial evidence of what is being done in Gaza suggests it is at the very least a strong influence on the tactics being used against the population. The BBC submitted a list of questions to the IDF, which were not answered.

The ultra-nationalist extremists in Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet want to replace Palestinians in northern Gaza with Jewish settlers. Among many statements he’s made on the subject, the finance minister Bezalel Smotrich has said “Our heroic fighters and soldiers are destroying the evil of Hamas, and we will occupy the Gaza Strip… to tell the truth, where there is no settlement, there is no security.

  • @[email protected]
    -256 hours ago

    Better summary: The IDF is making efforts to get civilian out of a combat area. Hamas is trying to keep them there as human shields.

    The ominous sounding “General’s Plan” is to cut an enemy force from supplies. Which is a valid and legal military strategy, and one that’s used in basically every war. Note the key part of the plan to move civilians from the area so it’s only enemy forces that are cut off from supply.

    And we really don’t know if that strategy is even being employed. Israel nearly always warns civilians to leave areas where there are significant combat operations planned. Why would this particular warning indicate anything beyond that? There’s a lot of civilians there, and there’s Hamas there. All we know is that the IDF wants to attack Hamas in some way without there being civilians in the area.

    So it’s just a rumour the BBC is spreading in this article in an effort to appear “balanced”. If they simply reported the facts that the IDF is trying to get civilians out of a combat area, it might sound like they’re saying that the IDF is doing something good. Can’t have that! Gotta put something in there for the ghouls that are still upset that the Gaza famine they were hoping for didn’t actually happen.

    Really it may not even be feasible to cut the enemy off from supply in an urban combat scenario. We really don’t know how much food Hamas have stockpiled (while also pushing claims that Israel was trying to starve Palestinians). But it’s understandable that a military might try to think of ways to accomplish this given the whole “cut the enemy off from supplies” is basically the default strategy in any military operation.

    • acargitz
      2 hours ago

      Expelling 400k people might be spinned as “getting civilians out of a combat area” if Israel were not a state that systematically settles conquered land (to the tune of 700k settlers in the West Bank) and if its government didn’t have ministers (on whom the ruling coalition depends to stay in power) that are explicitly saying that they want to do exactly this again.

      Like, bro, who the fuck do you think is reading these things you write? Umpa Loompas from Jupiter?

      Honestly, it’s like a well known organ trafficker is saying trust me bro, I’m putting you in this ice bath and giving you this sedative and prepping these surgery tools because I’m trying to remove a tumor from next to your kidneys.

      • @[email protected]
        034 minutes ago

        This is a narrative that’s spread by Hamas to discourage civilians from leaving combat areas in an effort to maximize civilian casualties which helps their propaganda efforts.

    • @[email protected]
      114 hours ago

      This guy is calling international war crimes as “a valid and legal military strategy”.

      • @sirboozebum
        104 hours ago

        “The starvation and mass killing of civilians in the Warsaw Ghetto is a legitimate strategy” - This guy.

        • @[email protected]
          54 hours ago

          “We need to put the Jews in gas chambers to differentiate between civilians and combatants.”

          This guy.

      • @[email protected]
        -53 hours ago

        What do you think is going on whenever Ukraine hits the Kerch Birdge? They’re trying to cut Russia off from supply. Do you think this is a war crime? Or do you define war crime as “everything Israel does”?

        • @[email protected]
          1 hour ago

          Unless you have tangible evidence of Ukrainians denying vital aid and food to Russians, slaughtering civilians en masses like they’re currently doing in Jabalia, routine executions of journalists to silence the ongoing atrocities, and so much more; this comparison of yours is not valid.

          • @[email protected]
            -236 minutes ago

            I’m not here to do google searches for you. There have been numerous Ukrainian attacks on the Kerch Bridge and on Russian supply ships to Crimea. And this isn’t some accusation of Ukraine trying to commit genocide, it’s a recognition of Ukraine being in a war, and this is how wars have been fought for thousands of years.

            People who don’t hate Israel and are desperately redefining the word genocide understand this. It would be different if Israel prevented civilians from leaving and let them starve along with Hamas. But read the article, that’s not the case. They are trying to get civilians out of the area. And even if the rumours prove to be true, the “General’s Plan” (which is actually a discussion from retired generals, not active duty military) the plan says that civilians that refuse to leave could do so when they run out of food. Hamas can surrender when they run out of food.

            I have doubts that this will even happen because I have serious doubts that it would even work. Hamas are just the kind of assholes that would stockpile a year’s supply of rations in their underground lairs while the people they claim to be protecting go hungry. But if it did work, it would significantly reduce the number of civilian casualties (since they could leave the area) which is what we all want, right? Right?

            • @Maalus
              212 minutes ago

              When you pose extraordinary theories, they need extraordinary evidence to back up. You literally are here to do those searches, otherwise you can be dismissed as a lunatic. And that’s exactly what you are if you cannot distinguish between starving an entire city and destroying bridges and weapons of an occupying hostile power.

              You attribute people calling out Israel for crimes against humanity as “haters”, you deny that a genocide is happening. You don’t know anything about the conflict, its history and why an order by the Israeli military saying “leave your homes you have 10 days” is not “a humanitarian outreach to get civilians out” and is instead a landgrab of huge proportions.

    • @Maggoty
      145 hours ago

      Which is a valid and legal military strategy

      Spoiler alert. It isn’t. You have no idea what you’re talking about. They aren’t interdicting military supply convoys or shelling artillery depots. You absolutely cannot cut food off from civilians. It doesn’t matter if they don’t want to move. You have to let the food go through.

      And we really don’t know if that strategy is even being employed

      Yes we do. USAID let the cat out of the bag.

      I understand you dearly want Israel to be a lawful liberal democracy. But it just isn’t.