It has been said a gazillion times over the last few months, but is it getting through to those who need to hear it?

    116 hours ago

    You claim that half of these couldn’t possibly exist

    Nowhere did I claim this. Kind of funny that you strawman me right after accusing me of strawmanning you.

    A conspiracy theory is not something that is impossible to be true, it’s just implausible. It could be that the checkout clerk at my local grocery is an undercover FBI agent, why couldn’t it? It’s just that there’s no evidence for it and it would be pretty unreasonable to assert that, especially if there was no possible way to falsify it.

    I could just as easily claim that you’re working for US intelligence, I’d have just as much basis. But I’m not a paranoid conspiracy theorist, so I don’t. By Occam’s razor and the principle of charity, I assume that you simply believe other things than me. That concept of people having different beliefs and values seems to be something that liberals simply cannot grasp - as if there’s one obviously correct position and everyone else is either stupid or being deceived by bad actors. It’s quite silly.

    I don’t espouse any “right wing” positions, and I don’t generally see other people on here doing the same. My criticism of liberals is from a leftist perspective, grounded in leftist values and theory, and drawing from leftist intellectual traditions. It’s just that liberals want to lump anyone who disagrees with them on anything for any reason as right wing in order to discredit and dismiss them.

    • @davidagain
      05 hours ago

      Kind of funny that you strawman me right after accusing me of strawmanning you.


      Like I said, and you seem to have missed it, not everyone supporting Trump is American, and not everyone supporting Trump is stupid.

      Oh, so now it’s that you’re surrounded by secret agents from foreign countries, and that’s the only reason people disagree with you. I’m assuming that there’s no possible evidence that would falsify this conspiracy theory, right?

      This you?

      • OBJECTION!
        15 hours ago

        Sorry, maybe I misunderstood. Are you accusing me of being a foreign secret agent or are you not?

        • @davidagain
          5 hours ago

          I think you misunderstood. I have no idea what your nationality is and I don’t think you’re a secret agent.

            • @davidagain
              04 hours ago

              Parrotting right wing talking points to an extent that I doubt your motives.

              I can’t tell the difference between sincere leftist people who have been duped into advocating right wing talking points loudly and long on lemmy and right wingers pretending to be left wing doing exactly the same thing.

              It’s very plausible to me that you’re genuinely intelligent, but I find the blindness to a difference in outcome between the Democrats and the Republican doesn’t square with your assertion that you’re left wing. It just doesn’t add up.

              Did you read any summaries of Kamala’s policy proposals and of project 25? It doesn’t square with the well-read about politics bit and the intelligence bit at all.

              • OBJECTION!
                14 hours ago

                What “right-wing talking points” exactly have I parroted? Opposition to genocide? That’s a left-wing talking point that the right sometimes parrots.

                I’m not blind to the difference between Democrats and Republicans. However, I don’t believe in unconditional support for the Democrats, regardless of how bad the Republicans are. To offer unconditional support is to sacrifice every ounce of bargaining power I might have otherwise wielded. The worst possible thing you can do in a negotiation is to walk up to the table and say, “I’ll agree no matter what.” I do not subscribe to the ideology of lesser-evilism, which is a bad strategy from a game theory perspective. Moreover, genocide is a hard red line for me.

                • @davidagain
                  14 hours ago

                  I can’t tell the difference between sincere leftist people who have been duped into advocating right wing talking points loudly and long on lemmy and right wingers pretending to be left wing doing exactly the same thing.

                  It’s very plausible to me that you’re genuinely intelligent, but I find the blindness to a difference in outcome between the Democrats and the Republican doesn’t square with your assertion that you’re left wing. It just doesn’t add up.

                  Did you read any summaries of Kamala’s policy proposals and of project 25? It doesn’t square with the well-read about politics bit and the intelligence bit at all.

                  • OBJECTION!
                    13 hours ago

                    Again you repeat the claim that I’m repeating “right wing talking points.” I’ll ask again, which “right wing talking points” am I repeating? Opposition to genocide?