Stories that talk about all the bad things Trump has done are only seen by the left. This makes the left hate Trump and his supporters more, while the right feels increasingly “oppressed” by this hate. They run to their savior Trump and the viscous cycle continues. More media presence for him only adds to his influence, negative press possibly moreso than positive.

People on the left should ignore Trump and talk about real issues. It is the only way to defeat a sith.

  • abff08f4813c
    13 days ago

    In my view it’s the other way around. We can’t avoid mentioning this guy so the media ends up sanewashing him.

    If they didn’t sanewash him and people understood what he was really like, perhaps then there’d be less support for him.

    Of course some media organizations are part of his personality cult and will sanewash him no matter what. But we at least should remember what kind of person we’re dealing with.