Kinda my dream job haha 😭

  • @Zarxrax
    52 days ago

    Oh my God, I HATE it when they use the dub script for the subtitles on anime. It’s fine if they want to offer it as a separate subtitle stream as closed captions for the hearing impaired, but when I’m watching something in the original language I expect the subtitles to be faithful to what they are actually saying, and I want the timing to actually match. It’s incredibly frustrating when the lines don’t actually match up with the sound of the dialogue, and then you realize it’s a “dubtitle” script.

    • @[email protected]
      42 days ago

      I mostly agree - but with phrasing exceptions around idioms and the like… I don’t want to read “The climb was as rusty as a grandfather’s sword.” I’d prefer to read a less literal translation that captures the same meaning unless there’s specific value to that phrasing that carries additional meaning in the context.