• @MrVilliam
    805 months ago

    The interesting thing is that I’m not sure anybody gives a shit that his mom got help through the ACA. The story here is that he can’t show any level of gratitude for the thing that has helped his own mother because he’s such a partisan piece of shit. The ACA sucks, but healthcare in this country was a complete dumpster fire before it passed, and it will return to being a complete dumpster fire if it’s repealed without a more expansive replacement in place.

    This wouldn’t be a story if Medicaid didn’t have means testing attached which is how she lost eligibility. This wouldn’t be a story if JD would show thanks for the healthcare plan modeled after what a Republican governor put together, but that would be perceived as disloyalty to his toddler-brained master. This wouldn’t be a story if there were universal healthcare as there should be. He’s between a rock and a hard place because he’s too spineless to swallow his pride and show humanity even regarding the health of his own mom. Fucking pathetic.

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      445 months ago

      ACA only sucked cause Republicans blocked every attempt to address the faults and issues that only became apparent after rolling it out.

      • @MrVilliam
        175 months ago

        Agreed. It was a half measure. Some action was desperately needed, and Republicans made sure that exactly some action was taken. They whine about the world passing us by while ensuring that we’re unable to catch up.

        • @A_Random_Idiot
          35 months ago

          It wasnt a half measure.

          Its just, when you roll out a revolutionary change in the way things are done, like the ACA was, there are going to be issues that pop up after rollout that no one could predict.

          Which is why you need follow up legislation to address those unpredictable holes/cracks/issues.

          and unfortunately the only way thats gonna happen is with a supermajority of democrats who have the cajones to just ram the shit through without playing games and without trying to get the republicans involved, because the republicans will stop at nothing to prevent anything they see as a “win” for democrats, no matter how much misery and suffering it causes the American people. They’ll watch their own mothers suffocate to death from preventable disease rather than let the dems have a “win”.

          and to top off the absolute miserable bastardry, they’ll then run campaign ads for the next 12 months talking about how democrats are mother-smotherers

          • @[email protected]
            25 months ago

            and unfortunately the only way thats gonna happen is with a supermajority of democrats who have the cajones to just ram the shit through without playing games and without trying to get the republicans involved

            Do even Dems talk about further improvements or tiptoeing any closer to single payer these days? It has been seeming to me the insurance lobby has things sewn up pretty tight.