Ads are focused mainly on making sure people turn out to vote

  • @barsquid
    422 hours ago

    Therefore let’s make sure Mr. “Dictator Day One” can do it instead, good plan.

    • Socialist Mormon Satanist
      21 hours ago

      Meh, I think Harris is just as bad. The current Duopoly can’t be trusted, in my opinion.

      • @barsquid
        521 hours ago

        Only for MAGAs willingly ignoring reality, such as yourself.

        • @anticolonialist
          -120 hours ago

          You speak as if BlueMAGA is totally sane. From a leftist POV both groups are deranged in their cult like adherence and turning a blind eye to their own team acting the same way as the other. Democrats created Trump as an opponent to keep selling you fear which keeps their boot on everyone’s neck.

          • @barsquid
            120 hours ago

            Pretending “Blue MAGA” is a thing, huh? Yes, we know your point of view. We saw it work perfectly in the 20th century, “nach Hitler kommen Wir.” But it is everyone else in a cult that is deliberately sabotaging progress.

            • @anticolonialist
              010 hours ago

              BlueMAGA very much exists, but liberals can’t see the forest for the trees.

              • @barsquid
                110 hours ago

                Nah, people are just not delusional enough clowns to believe they should let Donald win and do even worse than last time. “Muh both sides, they’re creating a fiction so you accept the very conservative Dems over the openly fascist Repubs,” therefore let the Repubs win to do it openly is a ridiculous premise.

                No, there is no “Blue MAGA.” There are only useful idiots pretending that such a thing exists.

          • @barsquid
            421 hours ago

            Sorry, but everyone on Lemmy knows you are a MAGA. You’re welcome.

            • Socialist Mormon Satanist
              -821 hours ago

              You’re free to believe whatever you want. But that doesn’t make it true. Thank you! :)