“Whether you hate me, like me or are indifferent, do you want the best car, or do you not want the best car?” [Apartheid Manchild] told audiences at an event in November.

Well, for starters I don’t want a car at all. I’d rather use public transit. You know, an actually effective means of reducing emissions.

If I were in the market, yes, I would want the best car. Which is why I’d never buy a Tesla. I’d buy an XPeng or a BYD or the like.

  • Jo Miran
    251 day ago

    All I see every time I see that photo are the old cheesy Toyota ads.

    • @WhatYouNeed
      310 hours ago

      Toyota Hilux are absolute beasts.

      There is this video where some TV presenters try to kill one and they leave it submerged in the sea for several hours. Pull it out, clear out the carburettor and it fires back into life.


    • @TastyWheat
      211 hours ago

      I remember these ads growing up! Aussie ads are… Different sometimes.

    • Jay
      81 day ago

      At least the toyota guy is lifting his legs and putting some effort into that jump.

    • @jaybone
      61 day ago

      For some reason it reminds me of Stuart the Look What I Can Do kid from MADtv. It’s the expression on his face and his half assed effort to jump in the air with like feigned enthusiasm.