“Whether you hate me, like me or are indifferent, do you want the best car, or do you not want the best car?” [Apartheid Manchild] told audiences at an event in November.

Well, for starters I don’t want a car at all. I’d rather use public transit. You know, an actually effective means of reducing emissions.

If I were in the market, yes, I would want the best car. Which is why I’d never buy a Tesla. I’d buy an XPeng or a BYD or the like.

  • @Alpha71
    257 minutes ago

    I wonder how much longer it will be until the board of directors of the various companies he’s involved in start a serious revolt and push to get him out of the company?

  • @VantaBrandon
    53 hours ago

    They used fake robots at their latest event. They were secretly controller by humans. Tesla is a scam company.

  • @[email protected]
    54 hours ago

    I’d buy an XPeng or a BYD or the like.

    Well, good for you. Personally I’m not buying an internet connected Chinese car. If a car has the option of spying on you, and potentially be used in a hybrid attack, I’d prefer to get a car from a western manufacturer. And not Tesla either, Musk is too unstable and seems to be influenced by the same powers that has Trump’s ball in a vise.

    My current car is an internet connected EV, but it sure isn’t Chinese or a Tesla.

    • @x00z
      24 hours ago

      Not only spying, these cars are just like all other Chinese products.

  • @toynbee
    34 hours ago

    It’s interesting that two of his proposed three options are “hate” or “like.” It seems like most people would have said “hate” or “love.”

  • @Imhotep
    65 hours ago

    I was considering Starlink

    Not anymore

  • @GeneralInterest
    24 hours ago

    If I was going to buy an electric car, I’d get a Nissan Leaf if I didn’t have a lot of money, but if I did have a lot of money, maybe I’d buy an electric BMW. They look pretty nice.

      • @GeneralInterest
        14 hours ago

        Fair enough, I have no idea what they’re like to drive or ride in. I’ve just seen a few and I think they look cool. I also see more EVs of other brands so I guess there’s more choice than ever.

  • @BigBenis
    7 hours ago

    Pretty much up until 2020 I was thinking about a Tesla for my first EV. In '22 the time came for a new car and I went with a different EV because Tesla’s quality control has plummeted due to Elon’s reckless leadership.

    • Captain Aggravated
      135 minutes ago

      I never liked Teslas for their lack of things like physical volume knobs for the stereo. In my brutal dictatorship, being an executive, manager, engineer or shareholder at a company that manufactures vehicles that installs touch screens at stations for required crewmembers will be punishable by death by coal power plant. “You have to take your eyes off the road to change the radio station.” Report to your new job working for the power company. As fuel. Get on the conveyor belt, you’ll know when your shift starts.

  • @[email protected]
    249 hours ago

    I’ll never buy one, and it’s 66% because of him. The other 34% is the fact Tesla’s are shit quality vehicles. Geico literally refuses to insure the cyber cuck. I didn’t misspell that.

  • @[email protected]
    11019 hours ago

    The Muskrat is the reason why I can’t even feel good about anything SpaceX does. Every time they do something to propel space exploration forward, all I can think about is how he and his cronies are going to use it to privatize space for profits.

    • @Nurgus
      24 hours ago

      Every time i hear about SpaceX, I wonder how much further along we’d be if we had proper taxes and gave the money to NASA/ESA. Even if the answer is “about the same” then at least they treat their engineers well.

    • @[email protected]
      139 hours ago

      Honestly SpaceX is WAY overrated.

      Yes, they have some good engineers, i dont doubt that, but:

      They still haven’t been able to replicate what NASA did way back in the 60s with a bunch of rulers, they still haven’t gone beyond low earth orbit.

      Their heavy rocket’s best attempt got it empty into an unstable spinning Leo, and thanks to fucking musk it destroyed a launchpad, polluting kilometers around which I’m sure they cleaned up, right?

      They’re entire shtick was that they’d be super cheap and they’re fucking expensive, even after everything they have done is basically funded by tax payers.

      All that is steered by a lying narcissistic psychopath who now uses his crashing Twitter system to get a dictator elected. The guy is like trump, every second word out of his mouth is a lie. Seriously every project he coined was bullshit, every claim he made was bullshit, none of it happened. Hyperloop, anyone? It killed high speed rail, so yeeeeiii? Tesla’s with rocket engines? Ballistic missiles to transport humans across the globe in 30 minutes? The boring company making tunnels 1000x cheaper? And SpaceX? We will be on Mars in 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026, for sure! They’re still in Leo, which is the (relatively) easy part of getting humans to Mars…

      ALL of it, bold lies.

      So yeah, I honestly think that SpaceX is not really helping space exploration forward. I think it’s 90% bloat aimed at getting as much money for musk as possible

      • Ænima
        11 hour ago

        Getting to Mars is a cover.

        Musk is using his fortune, tax dollars, and rich investors to develop the means for the rich to escape the hell they’ve created and/or the mobs of common folk that will surely beat down his, and other wealthy oligarchs, doors when society inevitably flops. That’s why he’s ignoring regulations and laws like they don’t matter to him. When your entire purpose is to help the rich escape their fate, you don’t give a fuck about rules.

        He’s an accelerationist with more money than god.

      • @brucethemoose
        57 hours ago

        They still haven’t been able to replicate what NASA did way back in the 60s with a bunch of rulers

        A bunch of rulers and a LOT of money and industry, courtesy of tax dollars. It was basically a concerted national effort.

        I’d say SpaceX is doing great given modern financial constraints for spaceflight.

    • @rezifon
      2716 hours ago

      Every time they do something to propel space exploration forward. . .

      Musk is trying to build the Dune future, not the Star Trek future

    • @Allonzee
      18 hours ago

      The alternative needed to be NASA, slow, methodical, maximum safety, maximum consideration, with patents benefiting society instead of a private class of shareholders who see it as just another gift in their portfolio.

      Instead, we gave away the future to reckless profiteers, and starved the correct, societal scale project of growing beyond our world that could have provided a sense of common purpose and accomplishment as Mercury and Apollo did, which given we’re at each other’s throats would have been useful.

      We won’t get anywhere with people like Musk or any other avarice obsessed profiteer at the wheel, only heartbreak in trusting human lives to them as they cut corners and overpromise their capability.

      • @stoly
        1916 hours ago

        Blame the Boomers on this one. They got the moon landing as kids and then thought the rest was boring so they cut funding once they made up a large part of Congress in the mid 80s.

      • @NotMyOldRedditName
        1517 hours ago

        FWIW spacex doesn’t actually have a lot of patents for their ships. Patents mean making things public but hold society back for the duration of the patent.

        SpaceX treats it’s rocket stuff as trade secrets so countries like China that don’t respect patents can’t use it. However, if someone does figure it out on their own, SpaceX has no protections.

      • @steelrat
        17 hours ago

        Are you forgetting in your richbad rant that Tesla has open use patents?

        Oh right I forgot that this is a circlejerk community. Carry on.

    • @stoly
      416 hours ago

      Alien franchise incoming in 3…2…1…

  • @SkunkWorkz
    14 hours ago

    I’d buy an XPeng or a BYD

    Why? They are only marginally better than a Tesla. And the software of the dashboard is designed for Chinese people who like UX and UI that look like the Aliexpress or Taobao website. Really unintuitive. Not to mention the post sales service is about as bad as the post sales service on your Huawei phone. I’d rather buy a KIA.

    • @Delphia
      614 hours ago

      Because price point.

      I can get the top of the line BYD performance sedan for less than half the price of the Tesla and Kia dont do a 500hp sedan.

      • @[email protected]
        27 hours ago

        I think they were joking with the Kia. They’ve implied that the Tesla is so bad, even a Kia is better.

        • @Nurgus
          24 hours ago

          I know it’s off topic but Kia make awesome electric cars. Kia/Hyundai are easily better than Tesla in most areas that really matter.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    3817 hours ago

    Friend ran afoul of the Tesla’s Drive-By-Wire. She had her car on automatic drive and it was speeding towards the bumper of another vehicle. She slammed on the brakes, but because the system has to switch from automatic to manual, the brakes didn’t engage for a critical second. So she ended up jamming her car into the rear end of the vehicle in front of her, and her system recorded the event as “human error”, because she was at the wheel when the collision occurred.

    Now she’s out several grand in repairs that her insurance won’t cover, because she failed to let Tesla’s autodrive system take responsibility for the collusion by trying to prevent it.

    Stories like this are what make me incredibly hesitant to buy a Tesla.

    • Oascany
      14 hours ago

      As other commenters have said, this is just not how the system works. Something was misunderstood or some context was probably lost somewhere. I have driven a new-ish 2021 Model 3 as a daily, and there are basically 2 modes of auto driving. One is autopilot, which is very similar to adaptive cruise control with lane-keep assist in other cars. Then there’s full self-driving, which is supposed to be you entering a destination and your car will take you there with minimal interference. You also need to pay out the wazoo for that FSD functionality. Tesla needs you to be vigilant in both cases, and you’re responsible for a crash in both cases. Now onto the brakes, in either system, when you press the brakes, the car immediately applies brakes. On occasion, it’s taken the automated driving system a second to shut off when I apply the brakes, but I have always felt the brakes immediately kick in. Teslas at the moment do not have brake-by-wire. They have throttle-by-wire (duh, EVs), and steer-by-wire on some of the more recent higher end models. All of them have a hydraulic braking system where your foot on the pedal is immediately converted to braking pressure. Your friend is mistaken, and the crash is their responsibility for not maintaining vigilance. Afaik, very few companies are at self-driving tier 3, which is where the company would be responsible for a crash. Tesla is not there yet.

    • @[email protected]
      2110 hours ago

      As someone who owns a Tesla, I can attest this isn’t how the brakes work. We’d heard similar rumors to this effect and it was the first thing we tried on the test drive. The brakes are 100% functional 100% of the time, regardless of driving assist.

      Even if “full self driving” (quotes intentional, that shit is not fully self driving) did cause an accident, the driver is perfectly capable of avoiding it by braking or taking over steering.

      P.s. Fuck Elon Musk

      • @NocturnalEngineer
        49 hours ago

        Is that true for all Tesla models though? I was under the impression the newer models had blended braking, which would make this story somewhat plausible.

        • @bitchkat
          49 hours ago

          Blended braking is when it uses the brakes to supplement low regen when the pedal is released.

        • @[email protected]
          29 hours ago

          To the best of my knowledge, which includes a few minutes online trying to prove myself wrong, the brakes on all Tesla models are straight friction - no blending. Regenerative braking only happens when the accelerator is released. The friction brakes alone are sufficient to kick in ABS, so regen isn’t needed to help stop the car.

          After giving it some thought, I suspect the car wasn’t stopping fast enough, so the driver took over and just didn’t brake hard enough to prevent the accident (possibly because they were anticipating some amount of assist from regenerative braking). Underestimating how hard to brake is very common and is one of the primary reasons behind adding automatic braking systems.

    • @[email protected]
      1815 hours ago

      I hate Tesla as much as the next guy but this sounds very odd.

      It’s hard to believe that it’s possible to sell a car in 2024 that doesn’t apply the brakes when you press your foot on the brakes.

      • @[email protected]
        1212 hours ago

        Because it’s probably bullshit. Elon Musk is a colossal problem, so people feel justified in whatever lies come to mind.

        • The Cybertruck has steer by wire BUT NOT BRAKE BY WIRE. No other Tesla has any such system. The brakes in all Teslas are traditional.

        • The question of who pays when you have an accident with autopilot has basically been settled in court: the normal rules of fault apply. If autopilot is at fault, then you’re at fault. If you’re in control, and you’re at fault, then you’re at fault.

        The idea that an insurance company says, “Oh, we won’t cover it because you deactivated autopilot” is outright silly. Ignore the autopilot thing for a second. What happens when you rear-end someone? Your insurance covers it based on your coverage, and your premiums probably go up significantly.

        The driver was supposed to be in control, of a vehicle with traditional brakes, and hit a car. If they have coverage, it should be handled just as if autopilot weren’t involved at all unless they can prove that Tesla is at fault.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        415 hours ago

        It does apply brakes. It just takes time for the system to shift over between modes. But when you’re in the middle of a collision, even a moment of latency can be the difference between braking in time and impacting the vehicle ahead of you.

        • @JordanZ
          1211 hours ago

          There is no mode switch for brakes. We’ve had ABS and emergency brake assist features in cars for decades. Having a computer actuate the brakes vs a person requires absolutely nothing to change or ‘switch’. Pressure is applied to the hydraulic system manually through the brake pedal or automatically through an electric pump. Both are always in the system at all times.

          Some cars have the ability to pre-charge the brake booster to apply more braking force in the event it determines you’re performing a ‘panic stop’. This feature was developed because most people tend to not apply the brakes hard enough in these situations. That is almost certainly what happened here. Not the switch between driving modes.

      • @cornshark
        416 hours ago

        Isn’t the airbus a380 drive by wire? A 628,000 pound missile?

        • @Cornelius_Wangenheim
          611 hours ago

          An A380 has triple redundant systems and a massive crew of people who frequently check all of its systems.

        • ArxCyberwolf
          915 hours ago

          A plane doesn’t have to deal with hitting other planes thanks to traffic collision avoidance systems and air traffic control, Airbus planes are built to a ridiculous degree of safety and redundancy, and commercial pilots are trained to a much, MUCH higher degree and standard than your average car driver. Fly-by-wire aircraft and drive-by-wire vehicles are not even remotely comparable given the surrounding factors a car has to deal with versus an aircraft. There is a reason there have been so few accidents involving Airbus aircraft despite being so heavily computerized, while Teslas regularly get into accidents.

        • @[email protected]
          215 hours ago

          This comment demonstrates such an incredible level of ignorance of aviation safety culture, road vehicle regulations, and the decline of capitalism that was predicted down to a tee by some fucks that had to lock themselves in their room and think of it with no computers or internet 100 years ago, that all I can even say is:


    • @thisorthatorwhatever
      716 hours ago

      switch from automatic to manual

      This had me confused for a second, as these are types of transmissions. Wouldn’t ‘A.I.to human’ driving be a more accurate description?

    • @sibannac
      417 hours ago

      Is this why their new robotaxis have no controls? Liability over safety?

  • @barsquid
    4120 hours ago

    I do want the best car. I am rejecting Tesla as an option mostly on that basis. But it also feels nice to avoid directly giving money to Trickle-Down Elmo.

  • kingthrillgore
    5621 hours ago

    He went from “genius” to “dumbass” when he announced his hyperloop a decade ago, and finally to “someone I have perfect hatred for” in less than a few months given his recent conduct. I don’t want his cars, I don’t want his robots, I don’t want to see his face ever again. He’s a piece of shit. If he died, I’d be in line to piss on his grave.

    • @postmateDumbass
      39 hours ago

      Hyperloop was just a gambit to kill the train projects in california.

      Like that needed help doing.

    • @[email protected]
      -621 hours ago

      It’s really annoying that Lemmy seems to have just as much of a boner for Musk news as Reddit.

      • kingthrillgore
        2220 hours ago

        Unfortunately he is someone who has a cult of personality and a lot of media pull. I wish he would shut the fuck up, it would be a welcome change and very good for him.

      • @Duamerthrax
        2020 hours ago

        When he stops trying to obviously effect elections, I’ll stop paying attention.

      • ArxCyberwolf
        15 hours ago

        Gee, I wonder why that could possibly be the case? Surely it isn’t completely warranted given everything Elon says and does on a worldwide platform, right?