Fans customized the Wicked movie poster to more closely match the original Broadway poster.

Original Broadway Poster:

Movie poster:

Some fans, disappointed by the poster, altered it to be closer to the original, moving Grande’s hand and lowering the brim of Erivo’s hat to cover her eyes. The edits prompted Erivo to respond. “This is the wildest, most offensive thing I have seen

“None of this is funny. None of it is cute. It degrades me. It degrades us,” Erivo continued. “The original poster is an ILLUSTRATION. I am a real life human being, who chose to look right down the barrel of the camera to you, the viewer… because, without words we communicate with our eyes.”

So, this seems like a completely reasonable reaction to fans making fan content.

  • @[email protected]
    15 hours ago

    let people enjoy erasing someone’s face and hurting their feelings?

    that’s not okay and it’s offensive and shameful to defend them.

      • @[email protected]
        20 minutes ago

        I didn’t see that one.

        in this fan poster, they completely coloured over the top half of her face and her hair, which are very striking in the original artwork, then colored her lips bright red.

        It’s a pretty weird edit.

        they even messed up the sky.

    • @Mango
      33 hours ago

      It’s not about her feelings. It doesn’t need to be. When I play chess, it’s got nothing to do with the person who carved the pieces.

      • @[email protected]
        -22 hours ago

        “It’s not about her feelings.”

        It’s literally all about her feelings. her personal feelings are what her entire statement is about.

        how she was erased from art featuring her and how that affected her.

        “When I play chess, it’s got nothing to do with the person who carved the pieces.”

        what a coincidence, it also has nothing to do with this situation.

        • @Mango
          22 hours ago

          The art isn’t featuring her. It’s depicting a character. The fan art is depicting the character better than she is. She’s literally failing at her job and complaining about the people doing it better for her.

          Seeing as you’re obviously here arguing in bad faith just to troll, I’m not replying to you anymore. You’re not fooling anyone.

          • @[email protected]
            -12 hours ago

            It’s depicting a character featuring the real person Cynthia Erivo who you are dehumanizing.

            “She’s literally failing at her job…”

            no, she isn’t, and there’s zero evidence for this. being erased as an actress is not her job.

            her job was to be featured on the official artwork, which she did.

            she is succeeding at her job.

            for some reason you are dehumanizing her.

            “complaining about the people doing it better for her.”

            this is also not true. she is not complaining about anyone.

            she is complaining about edited changes to her identity that have hurt her feelings.

            she is sharing her personal experience. You are dehumanizing her and dismissing her feelings.

            “you’re obviously here arguing in bad faith just to troll”

            trolls often dehumanize and dismiss the feelings of others, especially minorities, as you are doing.

            trolls do not support the validity of human expression and sharing feelings, as I am doing.

            you’re the troll here, you’re the bully, you’re the problem, and I honestly don’t think you’re even aware of how dehumanizing and disrespectful you’re being.

    • @OldChicoAle
      44 hours ago

      Being a public figure or an actor in a piece of art invites criticism. If they can’t handle that basic fact, get a new career or a therapist

      • @[email protected]
        -64 hours ago

        “Being a public figure or an actor in a piece of art invites criticism”

        being an actor does not invalidate a person’s feelings.

        “If they can’t handle that basic fact”

        she is handling it by expressing herself, letting people know what erasing her image makes her feel like.

        your disrespect and dismissal of her personal feelings is disgusting.

    • ScrubblesOP
      119 hours ago

      She’s literally playing a fantasy witch who has already been played by dozens of other actresses. She’s the only one out of all of the previous ones to get upset about this.

      If she wants to be noticed for her face, then playing an iconic villain who has been played so many times before isn’t her place to be. Fans care about elphaba, her character. She is new to the franchise and making demands of fans who have loved the character much longer than she’s been in it.

      • @[email protected]
        -106 hours ago

        fanart is valid.

        she is not “making demands”.

        The actor is telling people that it hurts her for them to erase her face from the poster.

        “She’s literally playing a fantasy witch who has already been played by dozens of other actresses.”

        that does not make this actor less of a person who deserves basic courtesy and respect.

        “She’s the only one out of all of the previous ones to get upset about this.”

        being erased is upsetting. she is allowed to be upset.

        “If she wants to be noticed for her face, then playing an iconic villain who has been played so many times before isn’t her place to be”

        victim blaming.

        Just play the character, we don’t care who you are.


        “She is new to the franchise”

        you should still respect her feelings.

        • ScrubblesOP
          5 hours ago

          Her feelings are unjustified and come off as narcissistic. I would be more open to the idea that she was being erased if she wasn’t on literally every other poster for the movie. Fans made a poster that they felt more closely resembles the original poster from the franchise that was made over 20 years ago. To assume anything else is a very large stretch.

          For her to react this negatively over a fan making their own version of a poster says a great deal more about her, and to me does more damage to her reputation than a poster ever could.

          There are literally entire sites and databases dedicated to fan generated poster art. The entire Harry Potter series has thousands of posters that don’t include the actors faces and are based off the books. Are those “erasing” the actors? Have we seen Ian mckellan go on a tirade because fans made a two towers poster that doesn’t include his face? No, because it’s not about them and they don’t care.

          If her feelings are hurt over one tiny person making a poster that doesn’t include her face then that’s her problem she needs to tackle herself, not dump on the people who were excited to see her play elphaba.

          So yeah. I’m not accepting the victim blaming title because i don’t see her as a victim. She made herself a victim in her own mind when one fan did this. You know who I see as the victim? The fan who was probably really excited to see this movie, so excited they made their own poster, and then had the Hollywood celebrity call them out publicly who now has people like you defending her for basically calling this person (who again all we know is just a super big Wicked fan) basically the devil

          Literally all she had to do was nothing and it would have passed with no one noticing.

          • @[email protected]
            -64 hours ago

            “Her feelings are unjustified and come off as narcissistic.”

            her own feelings are justified and not subject to your or anyone’s approval.

            her feelings are justified.

            they come off as narcissistic only to you because you do not see her as deserving of feelings.

            this is your problem, not hers.

            “For her to react this negatively over a fan making their own version of a poster says a great deal more about her, and to me does more damage to her reputation than a poster ever could.”

            her reaction does not invalidate her feelings or her basic humanity, both of which you are shamefully dismissing as irrelevant.

            “Have we seen Ian mckellan go on a tirade because fans made a two towers poster that doesn’t include his face?”

            this situation is about a different person, Cynthia erivo, whose feelings were hurt, not Ian, whose feelings were not hurt.

            “that’s her problem she needs to tackle herself,”

            she is. she is explaining her feelings to the public, which as an actor is very natural.

            she isn’t attacking other people, she didn’t “dump on the people”, she is explaining how she was hurt and how this feels to her, personally.

            read her statement, you apparently have no idea what it says.

            “now has people like you defending her for basically calling this person (who again all we know is just a super big Wicked fan) basically the devil.”

            neither erivo in her statement nor i here have called the creator " basically the devil" or attacked this person at all, in any way.

            we’re talking about the feelings of Cynthia, and her basic humanity, which you are shamefully dismissing as irrelevant.

            there was no attack in this statement, it is an explanation of how she feels as a result of being erased from a work she cares about.

            you don’t respect and are dismissing her perspective, feelings and her right to express her feelings, which is offensive and shameful of you.

    • @[email protected]
      510 hours ago

      Well I think it was offensive of Cynthia to erase the original artist’s vision and it’s shameful of you to defend her.

      Both of you have hurt my feelings, and therefore you are in the wrong.

      • @[email protected]
        3 hours ago

        “I think it was offensive of Cynthia to erase the original artist’s vision”

        this didn’t happen.

        she’s literally bringing the character to life.

        “it’s shameful of you to defend her.”

        no, you’re using that word wrong.

        you attacking someone for being hurt is shameful.

        “Both of you have hurt my feelings, and therefore you are in the wrong.”

        If this is true, you are hurt from your own actions of hurting another person.

        you are in the wrong.

    • modifier
      1314 hours ago

      When you are an actor portraying a character, especially a character that is a cultural touchstone, you are lending your voice and appearance to that character.

      I understand the emotional reaction but I think many actors would say, ‘that isn’t your face they are retouching, it is your character’s. Learn the difference for best results.’

      • @[email protected]
        -1513 hours ago

        they might say that, and they would be incorrect.

        The reason the audience have that character and picture to play with is because that actor is putting themselves out there.

        they are erasing her identity, the identity of the real person behind the character, and after she has told people that erasing her identity is offensive and hurtful, you are all making fun of her.

        respect her perspective and reaction.

        what is happening here and what you all are saying is offensive and shameful.

        • modifier
          813 hours ago

          they might say that, and they would be incorrect.

          Thank you for demonstrating this concept so ably with the entirety of your comment.

          • @[email protected]
            -76 hours ago

            you’re welcome.

            I never liked bullies, and I like you all less now.

            being proud of erasing someone after is shameful of you. bearing indignant Pride in their pain when they tell you it hurts them is shameful of you.

        • @itsAsin
          612 hours ago

          leave Britney alone!