• @[email protected]
    314 hours ago

    That’s stupid. Don’t get fired for cause, that only hurts you. Spend your time looking for a new job, then quit and leave ASAP.

    • @Postmortal_Pop
      283 hours ago

      Split the difference, spend as much of your time on the clock job hunting and doing the bare minimum. Then quit without notice mid shift for the new job.

      • Bob Robertson IX
        -143 hours ago

        I work for a real shitty company with a lot of people who do things just to justify their jobs. This leads to stupid mistakes happening that can cause MASSIVE disruptions for the entire workforce. One such stupid mistake happened this week and caused my team (and several others) a shitload of unnecessary work. Yesterday a guy on my team who works in an already understaffed office had enough and told me that he’s done, and quitting. I can’t blame him, he is in a very shitty situation and I wouldn’t have stayed as long as he has… but if he walked out it would have put that entire location, the rest of our team both locally and extended, in a much worse situation. What it wouldn’t do is hurt the company or the executives.

        I’m all for people finding better jobs and leaving toxic environments, but it really does no one any good to pick the absolute worst time to walk out. That’s petty and will burn a lot of bridges, and depending on your situation and industry could come back to haunt you down the road.

        • @[email protected]
          122 hours ago

          if he walked out it would have put that entire location, the rest of our team both locally and extended, in a much worse situation. What it wouldn’t do is hurt the company or the executives.

          That’s not your problem, that’s the company’s problem. You still get paid the same. If you have issues, take them to your supervisor, and go on with your life.

          • Bob Robertson IX
            12 hours ago

            Except I don’t still get paid the same. Someone walked out last year and put the whole team in a tailspin and the rest of the team paid for it when review time came around and since we missed so many deadlines due to staffing issues no one got any sort of substantial raise. And missing your once-a-year raise doesn’t just impact your pay for that year, it impacts it for every year going forward.

            • @[email protected]
              41 hour ago

              I’m not sure I’d want to work somewhere that penalizes me for someone else’s faults.

              Have you considered finding a union to bring to your workplace?

          • @[email protected]
            -11 hour ago

            Unfortunately that’s not how it works.

            Boss turns around and says “new responsibilies. Get after them.” You’re especially fucked if the work is the type of tasks you are already responsible for.

            Sure, you can say no, or slow play it, but that just means you’ll either get a shitty review or get fired.

            I’m not justifying this, I’m recounting what often happens.

          • Bob Robertson IX
            32 hours ago

            Don’t get me wrong, I fully know that it’s bootlicking shit and I hate it… but I have a family to support, bills to pay, etc. It is soul crushing and someone purposefully picking the most painful time to walk out only hurts their coworkers, because even if you choose to take a sick day when they walk out, the next day you still have to go in and deal with the mess left behind.

          • @chakan2
            53 hours ago

            Ok…that’s not bootlicking…that’s a legit plea for some poor fuck in the poorest of situations.

            I’ve been in situations where I know I’m about to fuck my coworkers over and I let them know beforehand. Management can eat my dick however.

            Bob, you might want to take a sick day on Wednesday…why?..just do it…here’s my linked in info.